A little help from a lot of people

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I was about to knock on the door when I realised what might happen if I do. What's going to happen if I knock and Will opens the door. What what what? With all these questions running through my head I froze up.
"You know sis it's quite easy to just knock."
"I can't. He might open it."
"You mean Will? Oh well." She proceeded to knock on the door and Will opened it.
"Hey Viola. New girl."
"I have a name you know."
"I'm sure you do. You alright Viola?"
"I'm just here to see Tsukiko."
"Ok something is wrong. Usually I'm the shy one."
"Oh my kittens. Jake you had me so worried I thought...."
"I was Will. Yeah that happens a lot but the only way to tell is if you look into our eyes."
"I know. You have grey eyes. Not like your brother you has such the nice shade of red for his."
I saw that I was getting weird looks from the two because of my "obsession" with Will's eyes.
"What? I like the shade of red they are."
"Sure you do sis. Look are all of your siblings home?"
"Yeah except for Will. He went...."
"I don't need to know Jake." I told.
"Any way come in come in."
"Is your farther home Jake?"
"Uh no. What happened between you two any way? No one is telling me."
"He hit Will. So I told how he should really be and he tried to slap me."
"How were you not hurt?"
"Because I grabbed his wrist before he could hit me."
"My sis is great at fighting."
He just nodded at what she said and walked off.
"He doesn't like me."
"He is really shy. I should also mention....."
I was embraced in a hug by Chloe & Fryer.
"Hey guys."
"We need to take you to him."
"Yes we do. He has lost his mind."
"To who?"
"No time to explain."
They began to drag me to their lounge and on one of their chairs I saw Will there. My eyes were wide from surprise. I wanted to find Jake and hit him for lying to me. I guess Casity saw and became pissed.
"Ok were is Jake?" I said
Will looked up and became frozen. I guess he didn't expect us to be here ether.
"Viola hey. What are you doing here?"
"Why would you care. Your friends with Raven now." I told giving him my death stare.
"What is she doing here again?"
"I invited them." Tsukiko told.
"But why her?"
"What is your problem with me?"
"I don't need to answer that. But I was right you hurt my brother and now he has Raven. She is way better then you."
"She threatened me once you idiot."
"Good for her..... HEY!"
"What do you have against my sister?"
"Oh great there's another one. How many are there?"
"It's hard to keep count."
"I'm going to my room."
"No one asked." I stated
"Shut it." He told as he walked off.
(How I hate Jamie.)
There was a knock at the door and Will got up to get it. When he was out of sight the twins looked at me.
"He needs help."
"I can't help him guys. Not anymore at least." I told getting down to their level.
"Tsukiko told us what happened."
"We know what he is like when his heart is broken."
"We'll talk later." I told getting up.
Before Tsukiko could talk there came yelling at the door.
"You would be so lucky if I didn't decide to hit you right now. Extremely lucky."
"Masha we do not hurt people." I told
She looked at me and then at Will.
"Well you could have told me before I hit that Raven chick."
"Oh no she is fine hit her all you like."
"Well I will when she wakes up." She told.
"What?!" We all said in unison.
"I hit her once and she had the life hit out of her. So she is on the ground now."
"Bring her in." Will told.
"No Will. She is not aloud in." Ruby told from behind.
"What about her?"
"Still not sure about her Masha."
"Why not Ruby?" Will asked.
"Because she is using you."
"No she isn't."
"Why do you think she is nice to you all of a sudden? Tsukiko is forced to tell her everything or else she gets hurt."
"You guys are all just lying. To make me feel bad for not being Viola's friend any more."
"Will.... Is that you?"
He went over to her and helped her up. I felt pain in my whole body and walked to Tsukiko's room.
"Good going Will. Viola wait." Ruby told as she went chasing after me.
"I need to hit something."
"Well come with me and hold that temper of yours in till we get there."

~a few minutes later~

I was hitting the punching bag with all I had.
"He said he loved me. He said I made him happy. He said he didn't want to see me hurt. Well I'm hurt now Will!"I said while punching the bag.
"Wow. You really have changed."
"Yeah. I get that a lot."
"You know the bags going no where."
"So is my temper."
"How did it happen?"
"Michael told them I was popular. Tsukiko understood why I kept it a secret but Will didn't."
"Wait Tsukiko understood. When it comes to you telling you lose them."
"Yeah. I have told her how I hate that group before. So she understood why I hid it from them."
"Look I am all for helping you get him back."
"That's nice of you. What's the catch?"
"No catch. I want him away from her."
"Look I haven't even told Tsukiko this but I actually have tiny feelings for Will."
"Why are you telling me this?" I said as I stopped hitting the bag.
"Because I know how he feels for you and I don't want her to have him."
"So you want him away from her and with you."
"Yes and no. I want him away from her but with you."
"I would rather him to be with someone who he loves then with a girl who is just using him."
"You know."
"Yes and I want her stopped."
"Then you got a deal."
I went to hit the bag again because I had one more thing to get out of my chest.
"He said he would never leave me."
As I hit the bag it broke and the insides came out. My eyes went wide and Ruby was surprised as well.
"Well that's never happened before."
"I'm so sorry i didn't know I could do that."
"It's fine Viola. We will just get Will a new one."
"Oh. Then I'm not sorry."
"I will tell him that."
"Not unless Masha hits him." Casity told.
"So what's meant to happen?"
"I'm sorry Ruby but you need to leave."
"She's apart of the plan."
"Yes sis. She doesn't want Will to get used by her."
"Why would you care?" She asked.
"I like Will. He's like a brother to me and I don't want my family hurt."
(If they only knew.)
I looked up and saw Will looking at the bag on the floor draining of its insides and he looked at me.
"Who did that?" He asked but I knew it was detected at me.
"I don't know Will. Who do you think is pived at the moment?"
"Viola you need to get over this."
"How am I meant to do that when you made a promise to me. Or do you really not care for me anymore that you break it to be with a girl who is using you?"
"She isn't using me Viola. When are you going to get that though your head."
"I already have it though my head. Your just oblivious by her that you think it's not the truth."
"At least she told me the truth of why you left."
"Go on what was it."
"You left because the guy you loved broke your heart by confessing to her then you. So you stood down. You told me she threatened you for it when you did it. You don't deserved to be loved."
I began to get ready to cry by how he believed her lies. He left and all the other siblings came in and grouped hugged me.
"It's ok. He is just a idiot for not realising that you are wonderful." Jade told
"He has. But it was different with us."
"What do you mean Viola?"Amarth asked.
"He loves her guys. You can see the way he looks at her." Jake told
"But it's different now. He has her now and he is loving her like he did with me."
"Viola that's not it."
"Fryer is right Viola. He still loves you." Chloe told.
"Then why do we keep fighting over a stupid thing when I'm right. I don't want to see him hurt like I have made him."
"His heart is broken. He feels like he can't believe you since you never told him about your past." George told
"She has a reason though." My sister put in.
"Do you guys have a piano by any chance?"
They all looked at each other and then nodded a yes.
Tsukiko showed me the way and when we got there I asked if I could be alone for awhile. She nodded and told me to take all the time I need.
"Trust me Viola we will get Will to love you again. I promise."
"I know."
She walked off and I went into the room.

My life: secrets untold.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя