Vist by the enemy

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I was lying on my bed just trying to drown the noise of my family arguing at each other.
"Viola there is someone at the door for you."
"Casity we haven't finished yet!"
"ALRIGHT! WILL YOU JUST TAKE A CHILL PILL ALREADY! Hurry. Hey you never know it could be Will."she told.
I got up and went to the door and opened it to see Raven."
"What do you want?"
"To talk. Can we do it in your room by any chance?" She told putting on a fake smile.
"As long as you don't try to kill me cause I will lock you outside my window."
"But I can get down using the fire escape."
"That won't stop me."
"Right. I won't hurt you in anyway. Probably."
"Fine. Follow me."
After I closed the door I went walking to my room and Raven followed getting stared down by my family.
"Viola. Sister can you explain?"
"She wants to talk."
I told as I shut my door.
"Different. Yeah not the first to say that."
"I was gonna say unique. Wait who else has seen it like this?"
"He's back."
"Are you two dating?"
"No. He tried kissing me but I pushed his face away."
"So I could date him?"
"I thought you were more into Will now?"
"Oh honey I'm playing him. I'm being nice to him so he has no feelings for you anymore and it will be to late for you to forgive him."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because you have helped me so much more in this."
"What do you get out of this?"
"Well duh. I'm stealing the guy you love since you did it to me."
"I didn't steal Michael from you he just liked me and I don't see Will like that."
"Oh really I have watched and waited for the right time. What I noticed was the way you too look at each other."
"I have no idea what your on about."
"Oh look at me I'm Violet and I've done nothing wrong in life. Well let's see what's gonna happen. Shall we."
"Is that all?"
"Ok. Well sorry to sound rude but you need to leave now."
"It's fine. I have to meet Will up soon anyway. Going to make him swoon for me so I have him wrapped around my finger to break his heart."
"What ever you say. Now leave before I lock you outside my window."
"Yes Ma'am." She told as she left.
(I have to tell Will. Before its way to late.)
I was lying back on my bed when my door was knocked on again. I look up and see my sister there.
"You wanna talk?"
"If it will stop you three from fighting over who knows what then yes. I would really love to talk."
She came in and closed the door behind her and went next to me.
"What were you arguing over now?"
"How it's my fault everything has happened. I told them we all have problems that we can learn from. And I've learnt from mine it's time you learn yourself. They still thought I should have been here to help and it was a complete mess."
"I really messed up. Will isn't even talking to me. He would rather hang out with Raven then me. And why shouldn't he?"
"Because you are way better then her."
"If Will isn't going to talk to me how can I tell him about what she's planning. What's the point he probably wouldn't believe me."
"What's her plain?"
"She wants to get Will wrapped around her fingers so by the time she drops him and makes a complete humiliation of him it should be to late for me to take him back."
"Really. All that because Michael choose you over her."
"Yep. I don't know what's meant to happen between us? He loves me well loved me and I'm hurt. The plan was meant to work Casity. But I only made things worse."
"It's not your fault. Look I have a plan it might work but you need to trust me. Can you do that?"
"I've trusted you my whole life. Why would I stop now."
"Ok you need to do that plan but I'm gonna need a lot of help. Do you know like twenty people?"
"Actually I do."
"Then show me to them."

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