The truth be told

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"Michael your back."
"Yeah I'm back and we can fulfill that promise we made to each other. Just you and me being the leaders of the group. Like we were..." He told grabbing ahold of my hands.
"Before you left!"
"Yes. But I'm back now and we can be together like we promise." He told as he began to lean in.
I moved my head back and pulled one of my hands out and put it in his lips.
"No way am I doing that with you."
"But the promise...."
"Was only when you came back after three years. But how many years has it been!"
"More then three."
"Nine years. Uh I can't handle this at the moment I'm going home."
I began to walk off but Will followed. I tried to move quicker but he would not leave me alone.
"What do you want Will?"
"This isn't the Viola that I know. She would want to talk about it...."
"I don't want to talk about it Will! Not since it means telling you my past!"
"I'm sure I can handle it. You know my past and look at me I'm...."
"No Will I was different then. How you saw me the other day that's how I was if you got on my bad side and people feared me. That's the reason there are notes on my locker that's why I've been alone for nine years. Just leave me alone for now or maybe forever." I told walking away.

~a week later~

I was lying on my bed looking at the time and saw that school had finished. I hadn't left my house for a week and my family is fine with that since I still get my homework done on time. Masha keeps visiting me since she told she doesn't start school till next week and she try's to get me in a better mood since she doesn't know what happened. I was looking at the roof of my room waiting for her to knock on the front door.
"Sweetie someone just knocked on the door it may be Masha!"
"Yes mother!"
I walked out of my room and went to the front door. I opened it to expect Masha but it was Tsukiko.
"Moon child what are you doing here?"
"We were so worried about you...."
"Wait hold up we?"
"Well yeah me and Will...."
I didn't let her finish her sentence since I slammed the door and ran to my room.
"Don't open the door!" I shout before I closed my door and locked it.
I sit on the floor leaning against the door and just hold my knees and place my head down.
(I can't face him right now. I don't even know my feelings toward him.)
Just as i was heading into my bed I got a text from Masha.

*So why are your parents not aloud to open the door?*
*Because Tsukiko and Will were there.*
*Oh so not because Michael was here got it.*
*Wait he is there now. Great.*
*Ok when I get in there you are telling me everything.*
*Ok ok. Just use the fire escape to get in that should be easy since there is*
*One next to my room*
*Kk see ya soon. Also I punched Michael in the face.*
*Was he in pain?*
*I'm fine with that then.*

(Well at least that has made my day a little better.)
I moved to my bed after my conversation with Masha on the phone. I heard a tap on my window a couple of seconds later and I shout that it's open. It opens and I see Masha climbing in with Michael behind her.
"Ok what is he doing here?"
"He followed."
"Your room is way different then I remember."
"I'm different now leave."
"Ok you can not slam the door on me like you did with them."
"Yeah what was the deal with that Viola?" Tsukiko told as she climbed in
"If anything we now know a way to get in if she does that again."
I got off my bed in a hurry but began to fall since I was in such I rush. What made me panic more was Will caught me. I rushed out of his grip and ran for the door that was locked. It didn't help that I was lifted into the air by Masha and plopped back on my bed.
"Ok for starters you are not aloud to go near Violet like that!"
"Ok for starters dude you left her for nine years so you don't get to tell me what to do and second she doesn't go by Violet no more." Will told
"Don't get in a fight in my room."
"Why don't you go by Violet any more?"
"Cause it has bad memories with it."
"What's bad about being...."
"Shut it!"
"Ok why do you keep stopping me before I say that you were....."
"Stop it."
"Ok why am I not aloud to say..."
"I will punch you in the throat!"
"I mean it Michael!"
I just stared at him and I was about to hit him when I had Masha go behind me and I could see Will and Tsukiko were shocked.
"Because they didn't know about it."
"Oh so they also don't know about you being the leader of them all."
"They do now."
"Oh. Should I leave before you hurt me?"
"Yes you should."
"Well bye it's best if you all leave soon or now because you don't want to mess with her when she is pissed." He told as he began to leave.
"Tell Sandy I said hi."
"Will do Masha." He told as he left and I turned my head over to Will and Tsukiko direction.
"So you now know about my little secret..."
"Viola that is more then a little secret. That is your past and you didn't think to mention it to us not even once!"
"What was I supposed to do Will. Be like oh hey by the way I used to be a bitch and everyone fears me for it. The people that I thought were my friends betrayed me when I decided to leave and bully me thinking I became weak. Ruby was no different from the rest I thought she was the only person I could talk to in the end but then I saw her put a note on my locker and my trust went out the door for her. They are the reason I was alone for nine years Will and I think I should listen to them sometimes and empty my locker out for my parents and family so they wouldn't have to. And I don't understand what you've been through Will."
I had silence from everyone even from Masha when she knew about it.
"Viola why didn't you tell us this? We could of helped..."
"What was the point Moon child. You aren't high enough for you to do anything. You are know as a third rank follower. They give you orders you have to follow them. You would be lucky to make it up more before you graduate."
"Why did you not tell us Viola?"
"Because I thought you guys would judge me for it since I was one of them."
"Why would you think that?"
"Because Will you called me a loner even if it was for just a second you still were mean it corrupted you how do you think I was when I was the leader for them! I was ruthless if I was still with them and you joined would get humiliated if you ever pissed me off. That's how I treated people and the guy I thought I liked should have been able to tell me it was wrong with what I was doing." 
Will wasn't looking me in the eyes and he ended up leaving through the window. Tsukiko told she had to go with Will and she said bye.
(I was right. He did leave me.)
"Viola. Are you alright?"
"I said if he found out about my past he would leave me...."
"I'm sure he just needs to think it through. It is a lot to handle."
"What's the point Masha. He is the first person that I became friends with in so long and I ruined it by not telling him."
I was looking up at the roof again and I knew things were gonna be different this time round. I just knew it.

My life: secrets untold.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz