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Bonnie's POV:

It is hard to believe that the girl surrounded by the hottest guys in school was once my best friend. She still is, I think. She threw her head back in laughter at something Harry said to her. Harry is one of her closest friends and he is on the football team. He loves football but he is not the best at it.

Next to her is Tristan who is laughing as well. Tristan is the Quarterback and the hottest guy in school. I have been in love with him since kindergarten. We would draw pictures of each other during playtime. When we entered middle school we started to drift apart. He ditched me for his more popular friends.

The same thing happened with my best friend, Riley, when she entered High School. However, Riley has the decency to still hang out with me from time to time. She is not embarrassed by me like Tristan is.

Tristan flashes a smile at me acknowledging my staring and I blush. That beautiful smile makes me forget any negative thoughts I had about him.

"It's a disgusting how you drool over him, Bonnie" my friend Georgia says to me.

Georgia wants nothing to do with any of the popular kids. She through herself into her art and consciously makes an effort to not conform. On the other hand, I am who I am. I don't care if I conform or not.

I look back over at Riley and I see Tristan say something to her. She then looks walks over to my lunch table. I wish I heard what Tristan said to her but the chaotic chatter prevents eavesdropping of any kind. In an odd way lunchtime provides people with privacy.

"You're not discrete" Riley says to me as she sits across from me.

She has long brown hair and gorgeous olive skin. Looking at her, I can understand why so many boys are in love with her.

"So he is very aware of how I feel about him?" I reply

"Honey, I think he has known since elementary school" Riley laughs.

Georgia remains silent during our conversation out of her disdain for Riley. There is no reason for Georgia to hate Riley except for the fact she is popular. Everyone typically likes Riley. The boys like her because of her beauty and the girls would be jealous of her and hate her if it weren't for her unbelievable kindness.

"Do you think he likes me back?" I ask Riley. I am putting her in a tough spot by asking her that. I know the answer is most likely no and she is too nice to tell me that.

"David is kind of cute" Riley says trying to change the subject.

"Riley?" I lower my voice.

"No. But it's a good thing trust me. He has hurt a lot of girls and I don't want him to hurt you" She says in a chipper tone trying to drown out the harsh answer.

"Oh" I say in defeat. A little part of me was hoping that she would say yes.

"But listen I am going to find you a good guy. Much better than Tristan. You're going to Harrington, right?"

Harrington is the local community college and I want to go to the city and attend college but I couldn't pull the scholarships and my parents couldn't afford it. I guess Riley is going there as well.

"Yeah I am" I say unenthusiastically

"Really?!" Riley clasps her hands together, "I am going there too and now that I know you are going I am actually looking forward to it!"

"Yeah sounds-" I was cut off by Tristan calling after Riley.

"Riley!" He called while doing a hip thrust to provoke her.

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