Part 31

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This chapter is based off episode twenty-one, season four.
'When the Levee Breaks.'


'Max, I need your help. Please.'

Max sighed as she tried to ignore Dean's prayers. She looked around at the flowers that were growing wherever her fingers touched the grass.

"Dean, they'll kill me. I can't come anytime you call." Max said to herself, reaching for the necklace that was around her neck.

Max looked down and opened the locket, seeing a picture of her and Sam. She smiled as her eyes started to water.

'Max! Castiel! Can you come down here!?'

Max snapped her fingers and appeared under a light in Bobby's car yard, a little ways behind Dean. The sound of wings flapping was heard again, Castiel appearing beside Max.

"Well, it's about damn time." Dean said, his voice sounding rough." I've been screaming myself hoarse out here for about 2 hours now."

"What do you want?" Castiel asked, he and Max walking closer to Dean.

"Well, you can start with what the hell happened in Illinois." Dean said, looking over at Max with a hint of pain in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Max stayed silent as she watched Dean closely, wanting to run and hug him.

"Cut the crap. You and Max were gonna tell me something." Dean said, watching as Max looked over at Bobby's house in confusion.

"Well, nothing of import." Cas said, putting his hands in his jacket pocket.

"You guys got ass-reamed to Heaven. But it was not 'of import'."

Max looked over at Dean with pain in her eyes." Dean. We can't." She said, taking a breath as Dean stared at her, his eyes begging her to continue." I'm sorry."

Max walked towards the house and stared through a window, watching Bobby flip through pages of a book.

"Get to the reason you really called us." Cas said, walking over to Max and grabbing her hand." It's about Sam, right?"

Max let Cas's hand go and turned to look at Dean." What about him?"

"Can he do it? Kill Lilith, stop the apocalypse?" Dean asked, causing Max's breathing to hitch.

"Possibly, yes. But as you know, he'd have to take certain steps." Cas said, looking over at Max with warning.

"Crank up the Hell-blood regimen." Dean said, causing Max to look at the ground.

"Consuming the amount of blood it would take to kill Lilith would change your brother forever." Cas said, ignoring Max who was begging him in their minds to drop it." Most likely, he would become the next creature that you would feel compelled to kill."

Dean looks over at Max and stares at her while Castiel talks. He knew she was hurting.

"There's no reason this would have to come to pass, Dean. We believe it's you, Dean, not your brother."

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