Chapter 1: Azure

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     Lila Rossi

        The days were beginning to blur together. They were just so repetitive, it was getting harder and harder to tell one day from the last.

Thank god for the acting classes, Lila thinks to herself. If it weren't for them she'd be both an emotional mess and look like an emotional mess. Or like she was going to have a mental breakdown.

But if it weren't for those classes, she can't help but think, maybe this whole thing wouldn't have started.

Lila sighs a little, turning onto her side in bed and looking at the alarm clock. She woke up early today, it was still ticking with two hours left before she really has to get up.

The sun will start rising in maybe an hour or so-? Lila decides that she will leave home early to watch the sunrise at the park.

Turning back over on her other side, she snuggles into her heavy comforters and blankets. Pulling them over her head, she curled up into a warm ball. 'Here it is safe, and here it's warm' the tune from her first favorite book series as a child rings in her head. The song is from the Hunger Games, when Katniss Everdeen cradles a dying Rue in her arms, singing to her softly. The first time Lila read she had cried as if she were the one watching a friend die.

That's one of the things Lila used to love about books; they make you feel things you wouldn't feel in reality. They make you feel sadness, and anger, and fear. But they also make you feel happiness, giddy, like your on a cloud that only soars higher. They make you fall in love with the characters, make you feel for them. It's the beauty about books that no one can truly understand unless they feel it for themselves.

What Lila loves about books now is different, though. Lila loves how they can take her away to a different place. Not even necessarily a better place - take the Hunger Games for example. Just as long as it is not here, Lila will be fine.

Lila peeks out from beneath her protection of blankets and covers at the bookshelves across the room. Each one is clustered with books, and in the darkness Lila can just barely see the empty spot of a where a book was gone. Instead, said book is on the light stand next to her bed. Flowers for Algernon. Lila hasn't read it yet, she has only just finished the preface, but she has heard it to be a sad book. Right now that is all she needs; it's something for her to relate to.

Lila wonders at many human traits, and one of them is why people always yearn to be like others, to have something in each other to relate to. And since Lila hasn't found a person she can relate to, she will just relate with books.

It was beginning to get too hot under the mountain of blankets, so Lila kicks the off with all the grace of a drunken toddler. Or maybe a baby deer. Lila smiles at the thought of her favorite kids movie Bambi, when the baby deer is just learning how to walk.

    She stubbles off of the bed in an unladylike manner, clad in an oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts. Her mother would have a heart attack if she saw her now. Good thing she never does, Lila thinks grouchily.

    Dragging herself to the window, she grasps at the thin blanket folded on the chair and wraps it around her shoulders. It may have been too hot under her heavy blankets, but it is too cold without anything. Lila weakly laughs at her own petty predicament.

    Lila looks outside her too large window, plopping herself down in the window seat. She grabs one of the pillows on it and curls her legs up, cuddling herself and the pillow.

    The air outside just plain looks cold. From what Lila can see in the darkness outside, it seems that there's a small breeze blowing the few leaves left on the trees. It looks as if the mountains of twigs and flame colored leaves on the ground are being swirled up into the air magically. The light of the setting moon cast off the seine creates an unearthly glow in the early morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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