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Okay I'm not dead I promise. Idk who's reading but if you still are, I love you and your determination not to give up on me XD <3

Since I've had this sitting in my extra area for a while and I probably won't be fitting it in, I'm going to insert this here. It's inspired by the song above and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.


“Come on, Sun Swirls!” Luna says, jumping on my bed to wake me up.

“Huh?” I mutter as I sleepily blink. “What's wrong?” I sit up and rub my eyes before blinking again so I can see Lulu correctly.

“Come on, I want to show you something!” she says, hopping off my bed.

“Okay,” I say, interest caught.

I slide out of bed and follow her as we trot quietly through the halls to her room, which, compared to mine, is huge. She leads me to her balcony, a light grey compared to the dark night sky.

She grins widely at me as she hops onto the railing. “Watch the sky,” she instructs.

I nod and look up. It's plain black, with just a crescent moon hanging in it.

I sense her horn light up as the immediate area brightens slightly in her blue magic.

Slowly, tiny pinpricks of light show up against the black background, which in itself is changing ever slightly to a dark blue.

I realise that so far, Luna is doing shapes. I can tell as I see ponies, animals, and other creatures that are related to us, like griffons.

“Wow,” I breathe.

Her grin widens. “Just wait,” she says happily.

More stars come out, making the shapes harder to see. They're still visible, but you have to actively look for them.

“Luna, that's amazing!” I exclaim.

“Do you think so, Sun Swirls?” she asks.

“I know so!” I beam.

She looks around. “Shh! This is the best part, but you have to follow me for a minute.”

“Okay,” I say, wondering what else she could want to show me.

She takes flight and I follow her into the air as she flies towards the Everfree Forest.

“It's not so bad at night,” she explains as we fly. “There are a lot of creatures, it's true, but they all respect me as the princess of the night.”

I nod. “I'll bet.”

She starts descending into the trees, and as I fly down after her, I realise she's heading for a clearing. I'm still really curious about what she has in mind, and I land next to her a moment after she does.

“So what's this for, Luna?” I ask.

Her face is aglow with happiness. “Just wait,” she says in a hushed voice  

I nod and wait for whatever she says we're waiting for.

Suddenly, all around us are pinpoints of light, flying and bobbing and weaving around like some complicated dance.

“Fireflies!” I exclaim happily.

Lulu grins and hovers a bit. The clearing is fairly big, which is a bit surprising since it didn't seem that way from above. She soars around and fireflies weave around her. Smiling, I decide to join in and hover as well before swooping around. It's almost like we're dancing in air.

A while later, I start getting tired and land again. “This was amazing,” I declare.

Luna swoops over and joins me. “I'm kind of tired now,” she admits.

“Me too,” I agree. “Let's go back home.”

We take to the air and fly back to the castle, landing on her balcony.

I trot to the door. “‘Night, Lulu,” I say.

“‘Night, Swirls,” she says, climbing into her bed.

I trot out and close the doors, hurrying back to my own room so I can get some sleep before I have to cook tomorrow.


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