Chapter 2

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The crowd files through the doors as Tia and Lulu are taken to a room. The crowd follows, cheering, praising their new princesses. I don't mind not being a princess; I've seen enough of that for a lifetime. Once Tia and Lulu are in their room, the crowd disperses. I slip into the room, nopony noticing.

"Swirls!" Lulu crashes into me.

I laugh. "I was in the back of the crowd," I explain. I look at Tia. "Thanks for not mentioning me," I say.

I see a little concern in her eyes, but she just nods and says, "No problem."

I look around. "Where's Philomena?" I ask.

Tia points behind her to a bed. Sure enough, Philomena is fast asleep on the cover.

The door opens, and a grey unicorn with a white beard, mane, and tail walks in. I shrink back as he looks at me. Tia and Lulu look at him curiously.

"Excuse me for interrupting, Princesses," he says. He looks more openly at me. "Is this filly bothering you?"

I shrink back more until I hit the wall, then going to the ground. I don't know why, but older ponies tend to scare me. Maybe it's because of what I've seen them do in my kingdom. Maybe it's because of my parents.

Tia rushes in front of me. "She's fine," she blurts.

The unicorn looks at her for a moment, then says, "If you say so, Your Highness. As I was saying, my name is Star Swirl the Bearded. I was sent here to teach you more about magic. If you'll come with me," he adds, gesturing to the door. He then frowns at me. "The filly will have to leave, though."

Lulu and Tia look at him in surprise and dismay.

"I-it's okay," I squeak. "I'll just.. go now..." Head down, ears flat, I head to the door.

Lulu rushes in front of me this time, blocking my exit. "No," she says softly. I make myself small.

Tia raises her head majestically. "Star Swirl, we'd like you to meet our sister, Sun Swirls.

He tips his head quizzically. "Sister? But she is only a unicorn."

"N-no, I'm not," I say quietly, shyly. I stand up and open my wings.

He gasps. "Another alicorn? I must tell the leaders!"

"No!" I say.

He looks at me, confused. "Do you not want to be a princess?" he asks.

"No," I say. "'s not really me. Ti-Celestia and Luna, they're princess ponies. I'd rather just be here to support them. They're... they're my family now."

"Well then, what will I tell ponies when they wonder about another pony living with the princesses?" Star Swirl asks.

We think for a moment. "You could tell them she's our personal servant," Lulu pipes up.

"Would you be okay with that?" asks Tia, looking at me.

I nod. "It's better than not being with you at all," I say.

"Okay, that will be our story," Tia declares.

Star Swirl gives me another weird look, then says, "Yes, well, as we were.." He gestures to the door again.
Tia trots after him, but Lulu hesitates. "Can... Can Sunny come with us?"

I blink. 'New nickname,' I comment in my head.

Star Swirl hesitates, then shrugs. "I don't see why not," he says.

Lulu smiles and trots after him. Brightened, I follow her.

He leads us to a room beneath the castle. Turning to us he says, "So. Since I don't know what you know, I'm going to test what you know so far about magic and spells."

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