[23]: Fresh Air and Control

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"Thank you but I'm fine." I'm definitely not in the mood to discuss my recent inability to hold down anything. It's already hard trying not to stress over Ian's distant relationship towards me right now. I just needed some type of peace.

"I'm just worried for you Luna, and so is Jillian and some other pack members."

I grunt. "Well, y'all can stop worrying because I'm fine. Just under the weather."

Amy shakes her head and suggested I get some more sleep before heading back to the children. I grumble and head back towards the main part of the house so I could go up to our room.

I immediately rush to the bathroom to clean my teeth from the horrible aftertaste. The poor toothbrush that had to endure that was sent crashing inside the trash bin. It served no purpose to me now that it'd gone through that. And it was definitely followed by a dose of strong mouthwash and minty gum.

Feeling the unbearable cramps torment me, I lay down in our bed with an arm over my eyes. A nap definitely sounded good right now.

"Hey beautiful, ready to have some more sister-in-bond time?" Asks an excited Peyton as she bursts through the room door without hesitation.

I open my mouth to tell her I was exhausted but she cut me off.

"Scratch that. You're going to have some bonding time with me and Kira," she replies, already in the closet searching for some outfit for some place that I never agreed to go to.

I groan and continue to listen as she goes through my clothes like it's nothing. Like I'm not in the room contemplating ways to lock her outside.

"Here, take these and shower because you smell rank," she demands pulling me off the bed.

I growl. "Okay, but I'll blame you if I'm not able to make it to a toilet to puke my guts."

She grimaced. "Attractive," she commented sarcastically.

I shrug and take the clothes to the en suite with me for a quick shower. After, I managed to lotion up and put on a red set of underwear before realizing what she gave me.

"I'm not wearing this!" I screech from inside the en suite, staring at the thing she thought were clothes.

"Stop babying and just put the damn thing on."

Like hell I will.

"If you don't then I'll come in there and put it on you personally. And I won't mind doing it either."

I groan, not in the mood to showcase my body to anybody now, that includes Ian's sister. Keeping that in mind, I manage to pull on the dress.

It was a LBD, but leant more towards a provocative style. The thing barely passed under my backside and the whole thing clung to me like a second skin. And the best part was the low dipped back.

Hooray, way to make me feel more like a slut.

I groan before entering the room for her critique. All I care about was where the heck I could be going in something like this.

"You look gorg, honey," Peyton comments, twirling her finger around indicating for me to spin.

Huffing, I spin just like she requested and she gives me a satisfied smile in return.

"If you weren't my brother's mate, I'd-" I cut her off before she could continue any further. Knowing her, she was likely to say something that would make me want to remind her that she does have someone that isn't me.

"Hmph, you're such a tease, sis," Peyton remarks before clapping her hands. "No matter! Let's go before Kira gets her pretty little head twisted."

I sign before following Peyton out to her silver Mercedes Benz, climbing in the backseat. Peyton wonders why before I acknowledge that she still has a girlfriend to pick up who would likely want shotgun. She understood after that before turning on the stereo and Post To Be comes blasting through the radio.

I Ran Over my Mate! BWWM (First Draft!!!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu