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Hi...I'm Veronica. I'm your typical emo/punk/edgy type of girl. I wear Green Day shirts and ripped jeans. I've never worn a skirt in my entire life!

Anyways, I go to yandue high, with my one friend, which is surprising because I don't have friends. His name is Nico. Now I now what your thinking, does he look as sexy as his name? Yes, yes he does.

I've had a huge crush on Nico since he beat up a jock for calling me a waste of space. We sit next to each other each day at lunch and talk about Greek mythology because That seems to be his favorite subject, I don't mind, I love it too.

"So, what are your thoughts on gaea. You know that crazy lady they call Mother Earth" I asked while eating a fry. He looked up from his tray and softly shook his head, looking back down at his food, was it just me? Or did the mood just drop like, ten meters.

"She's a bitch." Nico uttered with alight aggressiveness.

"Okay....hey are you okay?" I asked him. He shrugged nonchalantly, he had these mood swings a lot, and I've learned to deal with them by not talking about it.

Today was the day I was gonna ask him out. Finally. I'm really not good with feelings but I think Nico is worth it. After school is when I'll do it.


It's after school and I'm ready to tell Nico how I feel. I walked up to Nico studying him, the sidewalk was crowded with other kids trying to leave, so naturally, I almost got lost in the crowd. He was wearing his usual leather over sized aviator jacket and his skull shirt. I'm beginning to thing that that's his only shirt.

"Hey Nico." I greeted, he looked over and pressed his lips together to form what was somewhat a smile. Truly something that would make any girl melt in their shoes.

"Hi Veronica."

"So, whatcha doing?" I asked, fidgeting with the straps of my backpack. God I was so nervous I felt like I could produce ten pools with the amount of sweat I had.

"Waiting for my sister." He said, then I looked down, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I thought Bianca had died! He told me, when we got closer as friends, that his sister was murdered by his distant cousin. And that seriously broke my heart.

"I thought-"

"Oh yeah!" Nice exclaimed, his eyes widening as he face palmed with both hands.

"I forgot to tell you about my sister hazel. She's my half sister." Nico explained, bringing his face back up. Oh, well that explains so much as nothing. But, okay.

"Oh—cool...Anyways, I—uh—I was wondering, oh gosh, I was wondering if you wanted to, um go on like, a-a date?" I blurted out. I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them again to find Nico smiling softly.

"Veronica, look, I'm sorry. Your a good friend but I'm already taken...." he replied. That's was unexpected. I never knew Nico to have a girlfriend...when the hell did that happen? And why was all this just coming out?

"And there's also something I need to tell you about that," Nico went on. Just then, a White Mercedes car pulled up making a bad parking job.

"I'l—uh, tell you tomorrow. Nothing's changed between me and you though." Nico said winking and walking into the car with his 'sister'. I stood paralyzed in the parking lot for the next five minutes before actually understanding what just happened. I was just humiliated.


Well, it's been 17 hours since my rejection. I still like Nico which is the bad part. Ugh. Last night I literally only got about three hours of sleep because I had played the earlier days event over and over in my brain. Trying to figure out where I went wrong.

I got to school late and went through my day, ending up on the school sidewalk once again at the end of the day. When I walked out, the sun hit my face, so it took me a good five minutes to find Nico. But when I did, I smiled casually and walked to beside him.

"So, what's the deal. Whatcha wanna show me." Said me nudging his shoulder.

He smiled and waited, ignoring me. All of the sudden, a black viper pulled up and out came a blonde dude with a neat tan and a bright smile. He walked up to Nico and pinched his nose making the smile on Nico's face immediately turn into a scowl.

"What's up death boy. Miss me?" The man said. To be honest, this man was super cute. Maybe he was available? Hey, anything to get Nico off my mind. I figured this dude was his friend or maybe a cousin. Nico gave a hard stare and crossed his arms.

"Who's this?" I asked Nico, but the question was aimed more for the new guy.

"Oh, hi! I'm will, I'm Nico's babysitter!" Will greeted cheerfully. Seriously? A babysitter. I had to hold back a tiny laugh, placing my palm on my mouth to cover my smile.

Nico then rolled his eyes and stood on his tippy toes, pressing a small kiss to his lips. WAIT WHAT the fUcK HE JUST DID tHAt! Holy shiiiittty mcshiat! He doesn't have a girlfriend....he has a BOYFRIEND. I felt my head spinning as I dropped my hands to my side and stared, the laugh and smile on my face being replaced with an agape mouth.

"Veronica, This is my boyfriend."

"Woah..."Said I, nice move Veronica. Woah. Woah? Woah...Next thing I knew, Nico said his farewells and walked off with will, holding hands hesitantly while Nico avoided being seen by his fellow classmates. I stood on the hot sidewalk, the sun hitting my eyes directly while I tried to calm my heavy breathing.

"What. The. Fück." I said aloud.

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