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(A/N: I'll update chapter 4 next week or even sooner)
Although I said that to Kou, I wonder if that was ok to say. I didn't really get what Kou was talking about at all. Why was he so angry? Why did he seem to hate Yuu so much? Normally, people wouldn't get that angry just because someone "took" their best friend. But it's not like that happened. Yuu didn't take me away from Kou, I went away from Kou willingly. Was that what Kou thought? That I wasn't friends with him because of Yuu? Even so...
Since school had ended and I left the rooftop, I was walking home. However, I was too busy thinking about what had just happened that I didn't notice the delinquents around me. That is, until I accidentally bumped into one of them.
"Sorry" I apologized to him.
He turned around to face me with a glare.
"Sorry? Do you think that's enough? You could have seriously injured me just now"
Oh, no. It's those type of lying delinquents that deceive others to get what they want. I unluckily ran into them.
There were two others besides the one I had bumped into, and they were all looking ready to fight.
I was backing away ready to leave, but ended up backing away into a wall. I was trapped and surrounded by them.
"Hey, if you give us some money we'll forgive you"

A - Beat them up
B - How am I supposed to beat up three people at the same time?! (Someone saves you)

Choice A:
I'm not going to let these guys take my money! I punched the guy on the right in his stomach, which gave me an opening to their formation. Pushing him out the way, I went away from the wall and went behind the others. The one on the left went up to attack me, but I skillfully dodged by going to the right. While he was confused as to how he missed, I took that opportunity to punch him, and then throw him onto the other guy I had punched. The leader was left, and he was in a fighting stance. I too, got into a fighting stance as we looked at each other. He was the first to attack. Throwing a punch that I dodged, and then following by trying to trip me with his foot. I jumped over his foot, and punched his face. Then I kicked his leg, causing him to fall to the ground. Before I knew it, I had defeated them all.
But then I felt that weird feeling again, that someone was watching me.

Choice B:
How am I supposed to beat up three people at the same time?! I wasn't a fighting expert, and didn't want to get caught up in this.
"Hey, I'm getting impatient here!" He shouted at me.
I cringed closing my eyes, but when I opened my eyes again, he was on the ground. The other two looked surprised at each other, and then looked around to see another person behind them. An all too familiar person
"Mind telling me what made you think you would be able to do this?" Kou said with a sickening smile.
The leader of the delinquents got up from his feet, with an annoyed expression.
"Hah? What's with you, you're interrupting something!" With that, he threw a punch at Kou.
But Kou caught the punch with his hand.
"He's mine. Don't touch him with your filthy hands"
Kou glared and crushed his hand.
Wait, what? I'm his?
Then Kou pushed the leader away, causing him to fall, as Kou kicked him in the stomach. The other two went to attack Kou, but Kou dodged both of them and hit them as well. In only a couple of seconds, he had beaten them all up.
"Are you ok, (y/n)?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine"
He sighed in relief.
"I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you.....Oh, you can go on ahead now, I got to finish up something. But this time, be careful on the way, ok?"
Finish up something? Like what, send these guys to the police or something? And how did Kou just pop out of nowhere? I wanted to ask these questions, but Kou had a scary look on his face. You know, sometimes you just have to run away. I don't want to talk to Kou in the first place, especially after the incident at the roof. So, I left.

Continued Part:
From the moment (y/n) had left the rooftop, Kou was watching him. He wouldn't let him out of his sight. It was a pleasure watching (y/n) to him, just a normal activity. Some people called it stalking, but it wasn't stalking to him. He was just making sure (y/n) was away from bad people, and protecting him. Plus, (y/n) was too precious. Just looking at him made Kou happy. An angel, is what Kou called him. It was especially nice to see that (y/n) didn't walk home with that wretched guy again. But then, those guys dared to hurt (y/n)? Kou wasn't having it. They couldn't lay a finger on (y/n). So even though they were beat up, Kou couldn't forgive them. He couldn't forgive them with just that. After (y/n) had left, Kou went into action.
The sun was setting, the wind was blowing loudly, and there was an eerie aura in the air. A guy with brown hair and glowing red eyes stood over the bodies on the floor. But this time, they were covered in blood.

Yandere Male x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat