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It seemed like an annoyingly usual day, yet it had a weird foreboding feeling to it. That's how I felt when I was walking home. Well, walking home alone, that is. I was unable to walk home with Yuu like I always did, because I had to stay after school again. While thinking about that, I also remembered something while walking. That I left my notebook at Yuu's house. I wondered if I could ask him to bring it to my house tomorrow. But, I needed that notebook today, because I had an assignment with that notebook. So, I decided to go to his house myself to get it. That was the fastest way.
When I got to his house, I rang the doorbell. But...no one answered. I rang it again, but still no reaction. I thought I heard someone shout and had a strange feeling about this.
Thankfully, Yuu had told me where he put his extra keys; under the carpet. Maybe he was really carefree, maybe he really trusted me, or maybe both. But I was the only one he told.
So, I opened the door. I opened the door....!
For the first time in my life, I was genuinely shocked and scared for someone's life.
Right there, in the back of the room, was Kou. His fingers were wrapped around Yuu's throat, strangling him as Yuu was struggling to survive.
I ran up to them, and punched Kou just in time. Kou let go of Yuu and staggered back. Yuu fell to the ground, coughing. I went up to Yuu and held his back, lifting his head up so he could catch his breath. There were red marks on his neck, and it seemed as though he was so close to dying. There were no emotions to express how I was feeling.
Luckily to my relief, Yuu was able to breathe again and he was alright in a couple of seconds.
Kou did nothing as he stood there in the room.

He...he saw! (Y/n) saw! Why....Why?! How did (y/n) come in? He shouldn't have seen this. Desperately trying to make up an excuse, Kou stood there unmoving. Kou never wanted (y/n) to see him like that. He never wanted (y/n) to hate him! So why...why!
"N-no...you don't understand (y/n)..." Kou tried to start.

A - Punch Kou again/get angry
B - Get scared of Kou/ask why he would do that

Choice A:
"Yeah, I don't understand. I don't understand how you could be such a crazy bastard!"
(Y/n) punched Kou in the face, but this time harder. Kou fell from the impact.
"How could you do that, you should be in jail! You almost killed someone!" (Y/n) shouted at Kou.
Kou was looking up at (y/n) with a face of pure terror. His worst nightmares were coming true, (y/n) was beginning to hate him. He could feel tears in his eyes, but they were unable to spill.

Choice B:
(Y/n) was scared that someone had the power to willingly kill someone. And that someone was standing right  in front of him. (Y/n) moved back away from Kou.
"You...why would you do that?"
"He...he was in my way! He took away my happiness!" Kou tried to seem reasonable.
But it didn't work.
"What do you mean, that's no reason to kill someone!" (Y/n) shouted in a scared tone.
"No...I, I-!" No words came out.
Kou was worried. That look of fear on (y/n) was one that he never wanted to see, especially not because he, himself was the reason for that look.

Continued Part:
Kou was breaking, but then that voice came into his head again. The one he was trying to avoid, the one that made him do this in the first place.
You know, there's always another way around this....
Kou didn't want to listen, but he also did want to at the same time. He was torn between his choices.
If (y/n) can't understand your love for him, then you'll have to make him understand. Even if it means using other methods. Even if it means...doing that.
No...yes...was it a good idea? Kou didn't know. Kou didn't know what to do at all. So, he ran away from (y/n) again.
Running won't solve this. You have to decide. Just take (y/n) already.
Yes, Kou had to decide. And it seemed as though the only choice for him now in that state of mind was the option he tried to avoid at first. He would do it, and this time, he wouldn't fail like he did with Yuu. Because...

Yandere Male x Male ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt