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The next day after school I had opened my locker to see a note fall out. Wondering what it was, I picked it up to read only one sentence.
Meet me at the rooftop
What's with that, is it a love confession?
"(Y/n), are you ready to go now?" Yuu said referring to us walking home together.
Nowadays we usually did that.
"Sorry, it seems I have something to do now, see you later" I waved goodbye to him.
He said goodbye and then I started walking up the stairs to the roof. I wonder what this is going to be about. I opened the door and then closed it behind me. Looking around, I finally saw a person.
"Geh" I made a grunt as soon as I realized who it was.
"Don't look so unhappy seeing me" Kou said.
"Sorry, I just remembered I have something important to do now, see you later" saying that, I turned around to face the door.
Before I could open it however, Kou came up right behind me and slammed his hand on the door, near my face. (a.k.a., kabedon)
His lips came close to my ears as he whispered in a threatening voice.
"Where do you think you're going, (y/n)" stretching out my name like that made it even creepier.

A - Turn around and push him away
B - Decide to listen to him

Choice A:
This creepy guy isn't going to have what he wants!
Thinking that, I turned around and pushed him away.
I quickly grabbed the door handle, but Kou was faster than me. He grabbed my arm tightly. To the point where it hurt.
"Don't make me even more angry (y/n)"
His eyes had darkened and he had a scary expression on his face. Then he pulled my arm towards him, causing me to go towards him as well. I fell into his chest, as he wrapped his other arm around my waist.
"I won't let you go anywhere"

Choice B:
"Fine, I'll listen to you" I said.
At that moment, the mood softened up.
"I'm glad you'll let me. I haven't talked with you in a long time"
He took his hand off the door and turned me around to face him.
I managed to see him smile at me. How did he manage to change the mood so quickly?
"Hey, I want to see your face closer"
Before I could figure out what he meant, he had wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. Our faces were only inches apart.
"Listen well, ok?"

Continued Part:
Suddenly he looked seriously at me.
"Don't be with that guy anymore"
"Huh? What guy?" I asked.
"Yuu" he said with hatred in his voice as he spat out the name with disgust.
"What? Why?"
"Why?" He repeated what I said.
He then looked down at the ground.
"You always used to be with me..." He whispered.
Where is this going? Then he looked up at me as his eyes shined bright red.
"You always used to be with me! I was the closest to you! I was the one you always were with!" He shouted with rage.
Then he sighed as he continued quietly.
"But then you left me alone..."
His voice gradually got louder as he spoke.
"It wasn't that bad, if that was what you wanted, I could take it. If you wanted some time to yourself, I could take it. After all, I'll do anything for you. But..."
"Then you got closer to that guy. That revolting guy. Always being with, always smiling with him, always talking to him. Even though you won't even talk to me. I....can't take that! That was the one thing I couldn't take! The thought of you together make me want to puke! You can't be with him anymore, he's bad for you!"
The sudden explosion of emotions caught me off guard and...scared me. I didn't know Kou could be like this. But who was he to tell me what I could do? Yuu was my friend, and I wasn't going to stop hanging out with him just because of Kou. I was already done with Kou.
"You don't know anything about Yuu. Why would you tell me to stop being with him? You can't make me do that" I said daringly.
His head was down, so I couldn't see Kou's expression. With that, I finally went towards the door and left the rooftop.
Unknown to me, Kou was laughing.
"Who am I to tell you that? I'm the only one you like! I'm the one you always liked the most! And I'll keep it that way..."

Yandere Male x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن