Trouble. The Double Kind.

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~30 April 1841~

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh...RICK!" I yell.

I'm downstairs preparing dinner when I'm blindsided by an awful pain. All day I've been getting little cramps, but they've been getting worse and worse. I didn't want to mention anything to my husband because he loathes going to the doctor, but now I really wish I had. This is awful.

I double over when another wave of pain hits.

"RICK!" I shout, hoping he can hear me from upstairs.

"I'll be down in a moment, I have to finish this." His voice announces coolly. I try to walk to the steps, but I know I won't be able to climb them, so I make my way to the sitting room and fall onto the settee.

Okay, the pain stopped for a moment. It really only gets bad every few minutes. I wish Rick and I had gone back to the doctor like he told us to, maybe he could have prevented this.

I feel something wet trickles down my legs and I stare at it in shock.

Am I dying? I think before the next wave of pain hits. I bite my tongue to keep from screaming, but this one lasts a little longer than before.

"Lillian, where are you?" I hear my husbands footsteps as he comes down the stairs. He looks at the food on the stove and quickly pulls the pot off the stove before it boils over. "It isn't even ready, what are you-" He glances into the sitting room and sees me. I can't speak because if I open my mouth, I will scream.

"Lilly," He rushes to my side, and in my pain-induced haze I see fear and confusion on his face. That can't be right...

"" I manage out through my teeth.

"O-okay." He stutters. He gets up but I grab his hand.

"D-don't leave." Another wave of pain hits, this one the worst of all of them and I can't hold back the scream this time. He drops back to his knees and pushes the hair back from my eyes.

The front door bursts open and Karim whirls around, saber drawn, looking for the problem.

"Sahib! Ifrit! What is the matter?"

"Karim, thank goodness. Go get the doctor. I don't care what you have to do to get him here, even if you have to drag him. Get him here as fast as possible. Something is wrong!"

Karim's eyes widen at the panic in Rick's voice, but he backs out of the house as quickly as he appeared.

"It'll be okay, Lilly." my eyes closed at the last cramp, but I hear his soothing voice at my ear and feel his comforting hand running through my hair before everything goes black.


When I open my eyes again, I notice two things.

One, I'm no longer laying on the settee in the sitting room. I'm upstairs in my bed.

And two, "AAHHHHH!" I feel like my stomach is being ripped apart.

"Lilly, it'll be okay." I hear someone say, I close my eyes and relax into the sound of their voice.

The door flings open and I look up at the arrival of Karim and the doctor.

"Oh, thank god." The voice breathes. I look over and see Rick, sitting next to me with his arms around my shoulder. He gets up and starts talking to the doctor, who walks right past him and comes to me.

"You're not dying, Mrs Ambrose." He tells me as he beings removing things from his bag. "This is just the baby coming. If you'd come back to visit me, I could have told you what signs to look for." At this he glances at my husband, who glares back with the force of an icy blast. The doctor just turns around.

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