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Chapter 7

Previously ~

"You thought you could just skip me?"

Oh no...


Sakura POV

     "No no! Don't take it the wrong way Suba-chan! I was just exhausted... " I stated as a yawn exited my mouth. He narrowed his eyes at me in suspicion, "And anyways, you already had your turn, in which we... you know... snuggled." I finished, cheeks tinted red.

     "Whatever. That doesn't mean were done. I haven't finished. Anyway, what happened?" He asked. I looked down as guilt flooded back from the previous events. I didn't want to see his eyes as he judged me with one look. I was also very confused, as to he was there when the incident happened.

     "Tch. Tell me what happened or I'll rip your limbs off." He threatened. My eyes widened in fear at the thought of blood dripping from my arms and legs, and Subaru was ripping them off slowly. I calmed, realizing that he would never do such a thing, especially to someone he cares about.

     "One, I'm not scared of you. Two, you would never dare touch me or I'll tear your eyes from your head. Three, you were there and saw everything. I don't feel the need to tell you something you already know." I glanced in his direction to see his shocked face as I threatened him multiple times. I pursed my lips and sighed, "I'm sorry, I know your not used to someone stronger and scarier then you." I joked. Not really...

     "Shuddup! I'm much stro- WAIT!!" His eyes widened in anger, "Don't diverge from the subject! I was half asleep at the time, the memories are faint. I know I pushed Creepy across the graveyard, but I don't remember what happened after that, and I left. You didn't notice?" He nagged. I walked over and sat next to him. I nervously intertwined my fingers in my lap, and stared at them, trying to find the right words.

     "I...I attacked Kanato-kun... And threatened him.. The things that I said, were unforgivable." He looked at me, eyes sad with sympathy. I growled and looked him in the eyes, "Don't pity me! I know I'm terrible and disgusting! Stop judging me!" I stood up and started running to the door, tears flooding from my eyes. I felt a strong male hand grab mine, and pull me. My face spun around and slammed into Subaru's chest as he hugged me tightly, eye lids closed.

     "I would never think that. You are not terrible or disgusting. I am, I am the making of my father raping my mother. I am gross and filthy. You don't deserve someone as dirty as me. Your sweet and pure and innocent." The words came out like a cup of spilling water. Calm and fluent.

     "D-did you not just hear me? I attacked Kanato! I said things..." My voice trailed off in an abyss of guilt.

     "Whatever you said can't be that bad, and your attack was probably just a mere slap, or something along those lines." He said weakly. My own brother truly did underestimate me, much more than the others.

Flashback ~

  "It's so funny, to see you in this helpless position. Fearful of me, I just want to rip your heart out and see the look on your face as I am the last thing you see before you die. But you don't have a heart, just like me. You think I care about you? Well you better stop assuming things, because I don't."  

End of Flashback ~

     "It's so funny, to see you in this helpless position. Fearful of me, I just want to rip your heart out and see the look on your face as I am the last thing you see before you die. But you don't have a heart, just like me. You think I care about you? Well you better stop assuming things, because I don't." I sobbed out, "T-that's what I told him!" I gripped hand fulls of his shirt as I cried out.

     He backed away, his hands still in contact with my figure, resting on my shoulders, "Whatever you do, I could never ever hate you, or think you are anything but amazing with a pure heart." I smiled meekly. 

     I stood up on my tippy-toes, and leaned in. Our lips met, and moved in sync. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and my left arm came around his neck, while the other cradled his cheek. Our kiss felt like a lifetime before we separated, both our chests heaved as we breathed heavily.

     We looked into each other's eyes thoughtfully, sharing emotions we had not yet shared with anyone in our lifes. Our lips came into contact once again. I backed up and Subaru pushed me up against my bed pole and I wrapped both my legs around his waist. He held my bottom for support as my hands went to his hair.

Narrator POV

     A faint knock came from the door, so small the siblings could not hear it. The door opened and Yui looked at the disheveled two. Her eyes widened at the current events. Both sets of eyes met with Yui's and widened. They let go of each other and separated. 

     Sakura stuck her hands in her back short pockets and Subaru crossed his arms and avoided all eyes. They all were tomato red.

      "W-what is going on here?" Yui asked nervously, waiting for answers. Poor girl was so innocent and kind, she could not imagine that any brother and sister would be anything more than siblings. Especially those two, and how Subaru acted out when he found out Sakura was his sister. But, she had noticed lately, that he wasn't being as rude to her. Coming to enjoy her presence, and protected her with his life. 

     "N-nothing. Just f-forget you saw anything.." Sakura spoke up. Her voice trembled with fear that Yui would expose the two to everyone. 

     Yui cleared her throat, "Dinner is r-ready!" She squeaked and rushed out of the tense room. 

Subaru POV

     She saw us... I can't believe this! What if she tells someone! Everyone would just think worse of me! Disgusting and filthy, just the way I am..

     "We should go... We can deal with this later, we just have to make sure she doesn't say anything." I heard Sakura whisper. She was right. 

     I would go as far as I needed to, to protect Sama-chan.


Yayy!! I finally found a place to put Yui!! And yes, if you are not a taboo person and you think it is disgusting, you should probably leave now XDD Laito will be showed in the next chapter with his usual pervertedness. I hope you liked this chapter, it took me forever because I've been busy with lots of summer plans and VK. Hope you guys enjoyed this chap, BYEE!!!

~ Olivia

PS. I like to go by Trin now, I dunno, it's just a nickname I like. I love the name Trinity XDD BYEEE!! (this time fr :PP)

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