Getting to know Kanato

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Chapter 5

I woke up in the arms of Subaru, where loud and persistent knocking was heard from his door. I heard the whitehead mutter something quietly, "My idiot brothers are so obnoxious." Irritation clearly sounded in his voice.

"SUBARU! GET UP! I CAN'T FIND SAMA-CHAN!" And when I heard the voice hidden from behind the door, I knew who it was immediately. Ayato. Being possessive as usual.

"Get your shirt on quickly." Subaru whispered. "That's not my problem, disturb someone else!" He responded afterwards.

I quickly got up from the bed, trying to be as quiet as possible, afraid that if I made any noise Ayato would come in. I picked up my shirt, that was thrown across the room and slipped in on.

"SUBARU! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Ayato shouted in response. He seemed mad. Maybe he found out that I was in here! Oh no! Oh no! I need to hide! Where to go, where to go?! I searched the room, panicked. Subaru seemed to notice this and mouthed, "Calm down."

"Whatever. She's in here." Subaru said. WHAT DID HE JUST DO?!! I AM SO GOING TO KILL HIM!!! The door burst open and the lock broke, and there stood a furious redhead.

He looked at me and said, "What happened here?! Why were you in his room?! Explain now!!!" He shouted. He came faster then the blink of an eye and pinned my wrists against the wall. I tried to come up with something that would sound convincing.

"Jeez, why do you have to be such an ass Ayato? She was here because she needed help with school work. But she ended up falling asleep on the ground. Don't get so worked up, nothing happened."

Ayato looked like he was about to burst and seconds later he was dragging me out of his room. He led me to the living room where the rest of the 5 brothers and Uncle stood.

He pushed me forward to my uncle, and he narrowed his eyes at me, a look that shot a chill down my spine. He walked towards me,

"Sama-chan. Your day with Subaru is over, and you did not go anywhere, and did nothing but do this petty homework. Now, you must spend time with Kanato."

The teddy bear loving creep walked up to me with a sadistic smile plastered on his face, "Teddy wants to play with Sama-chan, come with me." Before I could even process anything, Kanato was tugging me down a long stone path.

We walked for about 10 minutes until we reached a semitary. It was filled with gravestones that went on until the fog cut off the rest. Kanato stopped and faced me. He pointed to a gravestone with the named written "Cordelia" on the front. My eyes started to water but I blinked them back. He took my hand in his and stared into my eyes, like he could see through me.

He leaned in, and before I knew it, our lips met. I was surprised and pulled away. His face turned from joy, to angry.

"How dare you refuse a kiss! You trash! How can you be my sister and be such trash?! I refuse to believe such nonsense!" He shouted, and slapped me across the face. I could not bear to fight with anyone at the moment. Especially in front of Cordelia's grave. I looked down and fell to my knees.

I put my hands together and spoke, "Dear Brother, I am so sorry that I have given you wrong intentions. I was just surprised, not defying you. Please, could you ever forgive me?" I said in the most sad voice I could manage. It was making me sick, to beg for forgiveness from a sick lunatic.

"I guess you can be forgiven. But don't think an apology will fix it, stand up now." He said in a demanding voice. I stood and looked him in the eyes. He set his bear on Cordelia's gravestone and snaked his led hand around my waist and pulled me so our chests were in contact. And his free hand slithered up my cheek and he leaned down and Locke my neck.

What the hell?! He's my brother and he's freaking licking me!! He really is a creep!

Knowing that if I broke away, I would probably be punished and beat, I stood there and took it in.

Suddenly, a set of arms pulled Kanato out of my grip and sent him flying across the graveyard. He fell harshly onto the ground and got up slowly.

"Are you alright Sama?" Subaru said, putting both his hands on mt cheeks. My face went red as a beat at how close our faces were, even though we've made out twice.

I nodded and looked back at Kanato who was running at us. I started giggling quietly, but it turned I to a loud hysterical laugh. I held my hand to my chest because I was running out of breath and it eventually calmed. I sighed and looked up to see Kanato standing there, mad. No, more like furious and sadistic. Like he was about ready to kill someone. But the brothers should know now, that I am stronger then all of them.

He walked towards me and his breath was ragged. He started running and I dodged him which caused him to fly past me and fall to the ground, but he got up and kept trying. I finally just punch him, and stood there, looking at his helpless little face.

"It's so funny, to see you in thos helpless position. Fearful of me, I just want to rip your heart out and see the look on your face as I am the last thing you see before you die. But you don't have a heart, just like me. You think I care about you? Well you better stop assuming things, because I don't."

It was like I was being taken over by a monster. But I felt so alive and powerful. It was happening again.

Wheb I was young, I would beat up other kids for no reason. I didn't know why. But when my uncle came to visit, he told me it was because I was not only a vampire, but half demon as well, which made me have a dark personality when I got mad. Yes, I am a damphire. It is an occurrence that happens very rarely.

But I was also injected with a serum as a kid. Tortured. Brought to hell and back.

I tryed to come back and snapped out of my dark personality ality. Emotion came to my eyes and I stepped back from Kanato and put my hands on my face.

Subaru looked at me, "What just happened? Why were you like that?" He asked.

"I...I am so sorry Kanato. I-I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" I cried out.

I ran past them until I was back at the stone path I was in with Kanato whe we arrived. I ran down it to the mansion, but I wasn't looking where I was going, and ran into something. Or... someone?

I looked up, and saw Reiji, staring down at me with his arms crossed.

Oh crap. I'm done for it.

Like it?!! I'm sorry that Yui hasn't been involved since chapter 1, but I haven't got any inspiration. I will make sure to add her in the next chapter and thsnk you for reading this!!!!!!! COMMENT OF ITS BAD OR NOTTT! Bye!


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