Part 2

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The next morning dawned with an extremely happy Chanyeol, who jumped out of bed and stepped out on his balcony to see the sunrise. The cold air of November hit his face, but he could only smile as the flaming sphere started to warm up the land that was covered again in snow.

A sound to his left made him turn his head, discovering a yawning prince Baekhyun, who evidently had had the same idea as him. The taller cleared his throat, thereby gaining the other's attention. The Light Prince smiled, the morning sun casting beautiful shades on his face, his blond hair seemed as if it was made of pure gold under the sunlight and, in general, the whole of Baekhyun seemed to be made of and surrounded by light.

He was so beautiful it was mesmerizing the brunet.

'Good morning,' he finally spoke, waving his hand. The shorter responded similarly.

'Good morning,' the blond walked to the side of his own balcony, and the other prince imitated him, their arms almost touching when they leant against the only stony fence dividing their balconies. 'Isn't it too cold for walking around in your pyjamas, Your Highness?'

The Fire Prince chuckled, putting one hand on Baekhyun's sleeveless forearm. Instantly, the spark ignited in them again, their eyes locked with each other's with an intensity and a desire none of them had ever felt before. The burning sensation was there again, drowning his body in a sort of haze, but he didn't feel confused or dizzy; everything felt right again. The taller licked his lips and the shorter parted his, before the first spoke again.

'I'm always warm,' he said, referring to the hand that was touching the milky skin. 'I told you yesterday that I never catch colds.'

'I can feel your warmth,' the shorter said, and Chanyeol wasn't sure if he meant his body temperature.

The moment was broken by a distant thunder and a cold gust of wind, making the Light Prince shiver. The taller smiled and finally let go of his arm.

'We should go inside, or you'll catch a cold.'

'If I'm close to you I'll be warm anyway, right?' Baekhyun smiled a bit mischievously, his eyes inviting as he turned to leave.

The Fire Prince felt again that something inside him that was burning like a flame, a kind of power that encouraged him to do something that, in any other circumstances, he would have never dared to do. An impulse rose inside him as it had done the day before, and Chanyeol didn't dare stopping it.

He moved swiftly, gently grabbing the smaller's arm to stop him. He made him turn around again, closing the distance between them until it was nothing and then, it happened.

Soft lips encountered even softer ones, grazing each other in a caress that was too short but at the same time, so intense that the taller felt as if his body was made of fire. When they parted and the heir to the Fire Kingdom opened slowly his eyes, he could see Baekhyun, who still had his closed, in a sort of sweet amazement that lasted for a short while. Then, he opened his eyes and looked at the taller, light in his eyes as he licked his lips nervously.

'Meet me at the library after breakfast,' he said, a glimpse of a smile on his face, before returning to his bedroom.

Chanyeol stood there for a minute, smiling broadly despite the weather that was worsening with each passing second. Finally, he went inside to tidy himself up for breakfast and then walked downstairs. He found that his parents and his guest were already seated and talking animatedly about the upcoming party.

'Our relatives are arriving already, of course,' the Queen was explaining to the foreigner, 'but we also expect people from all over the Kingdom Union. We just hope the weather doesn't worsen anymore.'

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