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Crystalline snowflakes fell through the rigid night air of Purgatory's December. The homestead, alive with Waverly's iPhone blaring pop music, offered shelter from the oncoming blizzard. A fireplace against the wall of the living room kept the central area of the building warm and cozy.

Waverly and Nicole snuggled together on the sofa while Doc enjoyed a beer and Dolls paced back and forth between the window and the door, clearly paranoid.

"She should be back by now, it's been an hour-"

Doc sighed as he set down his drink and walked over to the former Black Badge agent, laying a rough hand on his shoulder. "Wynonna can take care of herself. She might be stuck somewhere 'cause of the snow. C'mon, sit down. All that pacin's makin' me anxious." Cooperative yet grumbling in protest, Dolls followed the gunslinger over to the heat source and slumped into an armchair.

"Now, Waves. Can you explain how that thing works again?" Doc pointed to the television mounted on the wall opposite the fireplace. In the spirit of making the house a bit more modern, the TV was one of Waverly's requests. She smiled and tried her best to put cable into words the man would understand.


"You've gotta be kidding me," Wynonna mumbled under her breath as she tried for the third time to start up her motorcycle with frozen fingers. The engine refused to start and she was running out of warmth and patience. Letting out an exasperated grunt and giving a harsh kick to the kickstand, she hopped off of the bike.

Wynonna looked around her at the town. She couldn't stay at the hotel, the owner hated her. The same could be said for most of the town, so crashing at a friend's wasn't an option. She sighed and began trekking towards Shorty's, footsteps immediately dissipating in the rapidly falling snow. She hoped the bar was no longer the revenants' hang out - Peacemaker was running low on ammunition.


Most non-drunken attention turned to the entrance door slowly creaking open as Wynonna entered the building, scanning over the faces she saw and feeling oddly relieved when she recognized the vast majority of them. She made her way to the bar and ordered a large glass of tequila. Only when she got her drink and the glass was emptied twice did she notice the woman next to her practically chugging an entire bottle of whiskey.

"Shit, what happened to you?" Wynonna asked as she took another sip and watched the spectacle.

The woman set down an empty bottle and smirked, wiping the remaining alcohol from her mouth with the back of her hand. "I survive on booze." Wynonna laughed.

"Y'know what, I like you already. What's your name?"

"Reina. You?"

"Wynonna Earp. You've probably heard of me, the crown bitch of Purgatory," she replied with a grand gesture that caused the other woman to laugh.

"You don't seem like a bitch," Reina replied as she flagged down the bartender to get her another bottle.

"What? I can't hear you over the music."

"What music?"

"The dancing music. C'mon!" Wynonna grabbed the stranger's hand and staggered towards the radio in the corner. Reina had no choice but to follow; for a drunk person Wynonna had an iron grip.

"I don't dance," she reasoned as Wynonna grabbed her other hand and tried to get her to move. The sight of the Earp heir trying to dance to some country song with a complete stranger was enough to make a revenant at the bar howl with laughter. She clearly didn't know who she was dealing with.

"Maybe you should head home," Reina said in an amused tone, trying to keep a straight face as Wynonna almost fell over.

"Can't, it's snowing too hard and my ride won't start." Wynonna finally stopped trying, falling forward into Reina who courteously caught her before she hit the ground.

"I can drive you. Are you sober enough to give directions?"

"I'm not leaving my baby," Wynonna might be drunk but she's never not stubborn.

"You left a child outside? It's fucking freezing-"

"Nooo, a motorcycle. I'm not leaving without it!"

Reina laughed. "Okay then, you're welcome to crash with me for the night if you can make it upstairs without breaking your neck."

"Or you could help me?"

"I guess that works too. You done drinking?"

"Uh huh."

"Let's go then. Oh, wait." Reina stood Wynonna up and grabbed the bottle of scotch she'd almost forgotten about, then helped her new responsibility up the stairs.


"You are amazing," Wynonna whispered as if it was top secret as she watched Reina demolish another bottle of rum from said amazing woman's bed. The lady was a fuckin' booze magician and she didn't even seem the slightest bit buzzed.

"I'm not human."

Wynonna giggled, not believing that statement for a second. "And I'm a unicorn."

Reina smirked, shaking her head. "Why and how are you still awake?"

"It's cold. Come be my big spoon?"

"You literally just met me, are you sure about that?"

"You're nice. Too nice to be a revenant. Yes."

"What's a revenant?" The corners of Reina's lips twitched up into an amused smile as she asked.

"A bunch of bad demon people that wanna kill me before I kill them. I gotta shoot 'em in the head with Peacemaker to send 'em back to hell to break the Earp curse." She narrowed her eyes, patting her sides as if looking for something. "I lost Peacemaker."

"Is Peacemaker a weapon?"

"Yeah, a big ass gun."

"How'd you lose a big ass gun?"

Wynonna shrugged. "I dunno. Cuddle with me dammit!" Her mind was unable to focus on being freaked out over losing the gun thanks to the alcohol, but she did know that she was still cold.

Reina complied, tossing the empty bottle of rum into a bin before kicking off her shoes and laying down with Wynonna. The drunken Earp heir cuddled up to her the second she hit the mattress, eyes falling shut.

"You're really warm."

"I'm aware."

"You smell nice," Wynonna smiled.

Reina tried to hold back a laugh. "Thank you."

After a brief moment of silence she thought Wynonna had finally fallen asleep.

"Do you think my ass is top shelf?"

Reina was unsuccessful in stopping herself from laughing this time, and a snort left her throat. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Is my ass top shelf?"

"Sure it is. Go to sleep," she chuckled.

"Hell yeah," Wynonna mumbled, drifting off at last.

Bottom of the Bottle | Wynonna Earp Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ