Sky family

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The man who drags me in the long gray walkway is big and scary and always has an angry look on his face. I struggle against his grip.

"Let go of me!" I shout.

He takes something out of his pocket and stabs me with it, i fall limp on the ground and my eyes close.


I open my eyes slowly and feel the pain in my leg again.

"She's waking up." A voice says. It a different voice again, not like ours.

When my eyes are fully open I see about ten people looking at me crowding me. Scared I shuffle to the corner and pull my knees in and his my face. I hide my bleeding leg with my arm, mom said if we ever met anyone we didn't know we can't let them see the colour of our blood or else they would take us and take our blood until there was none left for us.

"She's a nightblood." How do they know about natblidas? Maybe it is moms family, my family. There are children sleeping in the corner, I can't count how many, only that they are there.

"But why is she covering the blood?"

"Don't be scared, look, our blood is the same."
I poke my eyes out from my arms and see a man's hand cut his other hand with a sharp piece of metal. Dark like my blood. Mom says non natblidas have red blood like the flowers that grow next to home.

"But-" I start but stop myself.
I study their faces and remember what mom told me 'the drawings of our family in the sky', I try and remember the drawings. I look at the faces of the people in front of me, its them. The family in the sky. My dad is here.

"Let me clean your gun shot." The same man who cut his hand says. He rips off a piece of his shirt and gets closer to me. I let him.

"Oh they didn't get you too bad, just a few nicks." He says and wraps the cloth piece around my leg.

"What's your name, little one?" A girl asks, her stomach is very big. As if she ate a round rock, but her legs and arms are small.

"Alexa." I say quietly, still unsure of these people. I hear someone whisper the name 'Lexa'.

"Clarke? Do you know someone named Clarke? Wanheda?" The man who cut himself asks.

"No Clarke. Mom tells us stories, people used to call her wanheda." I tell them in a normal tone and voice. No longer scared.

"Us? There's more?" Someone asks, a man with small eyes and dark hair.

"Me, mom, Link and Finley. Only us, no one else." I tell them.

"Wanheda, your mother, does she have blonde hair? Yellow hair?" The man asks.

"Blonde?" I ask confused. What is that word?

"Yes yellow, like the sun. And eyes like yours?" He asks. I think about it, the nod my head yes.
He whispers the name 'Clarke' again.

"What clan are you from? Trikru? Skaikru?" He asks.

"Moms says Wonkru."

"Do you know who we are?" A girl with a thing on her leg asks.

"You look like the drawings of our family in the sky. But I don't know names." I tell them honestly.

"Thank god, she's still alive. Clarke is still alive!" The man shouts smiling.
I'm still confused on who Clarke is.

"I'm Raven." The one with the thing in her leg says smiling. They're all smiling. I don't know what made them so happy but I'm still confused.

The one with the small eyes is Monty, the one with the rock stomach is Harper, Then there's Echo, Murphy, Emori and the last one is Bellamy. I've heard that name before, he's my dad.

"Mom says my dad is named Bellamy. Is that you?" I ask. All of their mouths open and look at me. Did I say something wrong? Their English is different, maybe I said something wrong.

"Bell you have a daughter?" Murphy asks laughing. What's funny? I don't understand these people.

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