letter one

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To You,
Though you don't know this app, and you will never see this, I still need to write it. Today, you've done something you don't know. Sure, it's a small thing, but to me, it's much greater. Today is the day to celebrate you, and it is the normal marathon of Die Hard that we love. We haven't watched it together in.. Shit, a while. Ever, really. You got me into it. You told me it was our movies. Our marathon for holidays, unless Harry Potter was on. And yet, as we were watching it, you fell asleep. I understand. You work in the heat. It's Arizona, for god's sake. A hundred and nine degrees when it's not even noon? Take a nap, I'll tell you what happens when you wake, even though you've seen it millions of times. You always ask. Yet, when you wake, all you do is wordlessly sit up and turn it off, then lay back down. When I think you've fallen asleep, I turn it back on. It's one of my favorite movie series, after all. All you say is, "Leave it off." and fall asleep. Why did this hurt me?
Sincerely (not),

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