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Hey guys! So I went to New York City for the first time in my life and it was amazing! I got to see Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, and Kinky Boots! It was honestly the best I'm kind of still in shock.

I didn't get to meet brendon urie or any of the DEH cast because SOME PEOPLE keep being assholes and pushing on the barricades, causing meet and greets to currently be shut down. But I did meet the entire cast of Waitress, and I even got to take a tour of their stage! For real, if you don't believe me I'll send you guys all the videos I took. I was so overdramatic about it, I literally started singing "She Used to Be Mine."

Here's your epilogue. Love you guys.
Johns POV
Ten years later

"Take a right here." I instructed my taxi driver. He looked confused, staring at me through the rear view mirror. "The...the graveyard?" The driver questioned.

I nodded and ran my hands through my long hair. The taxi driver just shrugged and pulled into the graveyard's driveway. I thanked him quickly, making sure to give him a nice tip before I exited his car. I had barely even opened the door before a body flung itself into my arms.

"John!" Peggy Schuyler took my face in her hands, examining it. "Holy shit! I can't believe you really came."

I stepped away from her awkwardly. "Uh...yeah. Yeah, I figured I might as well come pay my respects."

Really, my mom had convinced me to come back. She thought I'd never had the chance to get closure or some shit. Which is true, in a way. I left for California the second Alex's funeral had ended. I've buried myself in a new job, many failed attempts at dating, and a whole lot of drug abuse. I've done everything I can to forget Alexander Hamilton, but now I'm standing at his freaking grave site.

Peggy grinned at me, her hand on her rounded
stomach. "Well, I'm glad you came."

"How far along are you?" I asked, in an attempt to change the conversation. Peggy broke out into an even bigger grin, her cheeks glowing happily. "I just hit my eight month mark. His nursery is all set up! Anthony and I are so excited. Emma, on the other hand, is not." Peggy shook her head. "She does not want a baby brother."

I chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry I couldn't come to the wedding, by the way. Or any of the baby showers." 

Peggy sighed. "We're all so worried about you John."

I opened my mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the sound of another car pulling up to the curb. Angelica, George Washington, Eliza, and a young boy around the age of ten stepped out of the car.

"Moooooom, how long is this going to take?" The boy complained, his shoulders slumped. Eliza narrowed her eyes at him. "Philip Schuyler, you watch the attitude, buddy." The boy just groaned in response.

It took me a moment to even recognize Eliza. She looked so much happier than when I last so her at Alex's funeral, when her shoulders were hunched in shame. I distinctly remember her and Angelica getting into a huge fight behind the funeral home.

"Where the hell have you been?" Angie screamed.

"I messed up, okay?" Eliza sobbed, her hands pressed to her stomach. "Angie...Angie, I'm pregnant!"

I shook the memory away and stepped up to hug Eliza and Angie. George Washington slapped me on the back welcomingly. "John." He grinned, looking pleased. "Glad you decided to come."

I smiled. "Hey, George. How's the whole adoption thing going?"

Angelica stepped in to kiss her husband on the cheek. "We've found a family that seems to really like us. She's only eight weeks along, but I think it might be the right time. We've....uh, we've given up on trying for our own."

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