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I wake up to a splitting headache and darkness taking over my vision. The cloth over my eyes is loose, allowing me to see a crack of concrete below me. My body feels numb as the cold floor takes over all of my senses. I wiggle about, hoping to find the strength in me to sit up fully. I feel my arms crushed under my back, a rough material tying them together in an uncomfortable knot. I sit up an inch, before falling back down in a loud thud. I pull my hands out from under my back to have a more comfortable position and letting out a shaky breath. My mind is in a spiral of emotions, but the pain erupting from my temple keeps me still. I feel hopeless as I lay alone in the unknown room.

The familiar smell of smoke fills my nose; the smell my father always had on his breath after a long day of work. I triy to cover my face under my shirt, but it only results in my breathing to become rapid and my find to turn into a daze. Yet, it is better then being reminded of what I have just left behind.

I must've faded in and out for an hour straight, trying to keep my consciousness, before the sound of a door opening and chatter erupting the room heightens my senses.

'Fuck' I whisper, pulling my arms under my back once again. To avoid speaking, I quickly act unconscious by slowing my breathing and laying my head against the floor. The pain in my head against the cold tiles below me quickly resides when the sound of footsteps come closer to my helpless frame. A light kick to my leg causes it to turn to the side, a hum sounding from one of the voices above me.

'So, who should get him?' A voice asks, curiosity visible in his voice. I look through the slit of my blindfold to see a cigarette dropped to the ground and stomped on by a black lace up boot. Another pair of feet facing me, probably looking for a response.

'I think I should,' Another voice states, 'not only did I find em', but I made up our plan." I feel insecure, knowing they are taking about me while towering over my unconscious body. Before I can react to their claim, the first man responds.

'No! I should get him!' The deep voice states with anger, 'I caught em! I took some damage from him!'

'Oh yeah because getting a few white hairs in you beard is damage!' The other boy yells, his boisterous laughter filling the whole room. There is a grunt and a shove before the entire room sounds like absolute chaos. I flinch hearing the screaming, insults, and swearing thrown about the entire room. The sound of a loud bang causes me to jump up, letting out a squeak of fear. Luckily, no one can hear it over the commotion of the room. I feel the closed wound on my temple open up once again as it leaks through my blindfold. Dizziness takes over my body, but I force myself to fight through the pain. I need answers, and this might be the only chance for me to get some. Silence fills the room after the gun shot; The only sound being a new pair of feet making their way into the room. The silence remains for a few seconds before a completely new voice asks-

'What's going on here?'

It sounds menace, like venom is dripping from his voice. I shiver being under the voice's presence, praying that this is all a sick dream. I pray for Nick, Jonny, myself; fuck, I even prayed to my family. Yet, nothing happens but nonstop excuses erupting from the two unknown boys' mouths.

'Well he started it the-'

'I didn't start shit you wanker!'

'Fuck off fat cunt'

'You old fucking-"


The boys stop speaking after hearing the authority laced throughout the man's voice, almost as if he didn't want to hear anymore of their excuses.

I feel uncomfortable as the feeling that eyes are on me fills my body. A vibration of footsteps next to my thigh proves the fact that I am being watched. There is a minute of silence before a hand touches the end of my leg.

'Who is he?' The voice asks, his hand making its way up to my knees. I tense under his touch, trying my best to not cry out in terror. The hand is rough, but gently grips my knee through my joggers. I only beg that he doesn't go any further.

'We got 'em last night! Harry helped, but he's already got a bitch! So he's mine!' The deeper voice yells, the sound of his foot stomping on the ground filling the room.

Bitch? My blood runs cold just hearing that phrase. I'm gay, but I'm not experienced. I don't think they care about that though.. They just want someone they can fuck with and throw to the side. I mentally slap myself as I consider if it would be better than my home situation. Getting fucked and beat continuously is much more different than just getting beat..

'Oi fuck off he's mine!'

The noise is cut off to the cock of a gun, and a hand placed firmly on my leg.

'He's neither of yours,' He states in monotone, the other boys letting out noises of surprise.

'Wha- You can't do tha-" Another shot is set off and silence fills the room once again.

'I can do whatever the fuck I want, you work for me. ' He says sternly, before grabbing under my arms and lifting me from the cold floor. Warmth fills my body as I am leaned up against their puffed out chest. Panic fills my body, realizing that I am going with the most dominate of the group. He seemed almost as if he is the boss of the other two, and that scares the shit out of me. If the other two had the power to kidnap me and make me their bitch, what power did this man have over me? I should've stayed with Nick, back home where at least I knew where I was.

It's all fucked.

I cold breeze passes me as I am carried out into another room, presumably a hall. It doesn't take long before I am placed onto a soft surface which I assume is a bed. I thankfully lay my head against its warm material, bliss filling my body.

But everything comes crashing down with a single sentence as I feel the cloth covering my eyes get ripped off my face.

'I know you're awake.'


I'll update every two days bc I am piled with summer assignments -Oli

Authority ▲ Ksimon Where stories live. Discover now