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Everyone who survived had been loaded onto the plane. I was squished between Jade and Minho. I glanced at everyone around me most where sad, Thomas was crying, i don't blame him though. Suddenly a man started talking "don't worry everything is going to change" he said with a smile.

We later arrived at a giant building and hauled off the plane. I turned around to see zombie like creatures running twords us. Everyone was yelling and screaming I was strait up confused. All of the gladers were shoved though big doors along with the Janson guy. I turned to look at Jade she looked just as confused as I was.

Janson then introduced himself more properly. H talked about how he worked for WICKED and stuff like that i kind of tuned him out if ya can't tell.

He then lead us to a big shuckin' room that he said was where the boys would sleep. Then he took Jade and I to a different room, Where im assuming is where we would sleep.

Minho's POV

All night i couldn't sleep because I was worried about my girls. Jodi and Jade where all i had abd if anything happened to them I don't think i could live with myself. After hours and hours of pondering though, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

I was awoken by a scream. A scream that sounded a shuckin lot like Jodi or Jade's scream. I jumped out of the bed i was in faster than I had ever moved. But when i got to the door it was locked, I tried to yank it open but it wouldn't budge.

After a lot of shuckin team work we finally got the door open. While Newt and the others tried to find a light switch I was looking for the twins.

I was about ready to give up when something bumped into my knee and screamed. I realized it was one of the twins and tried to calm them down. "Jodi or Jade calm down it Minho" I said calmly "it's Jodi, but they took Jade abd almost got me but i escaped" she replied clearly crying. When all of a sudden lights came on and I could see that it was in fact Jodi who stood in front of me.

Little Glader in the Scorch /discontinued/Where stories live. Discover now