teaser trailers.

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"a lot can happen in a day." - bellamy blake


okay so the other day i was super bored and had absolutely nothing to do, so i made a teaser trailer for hearteyesmurphy 's amazing book "everglow" (which you should all go read btw bc it's super good) ↴

so it's not like an ACTUAL trailer bc it's super short & simple, but i think having a little teaser trailer like that is a fun thing to have for your book. if you know how to use video editing software (which is pretty straightforward, i personally use iMovie) it's really NOT that hard.


but i had a stupid idea. i was thinking, hey, some people maybe don't know how to edit videos or don't have the right programming to be able to. i should make teaser trailers for them. which is probably a stupid idea bc honestly i don't have time but LOL why not?

SO if you want a teaser trailer for your book (EMPHASIS ON TEASER TRAILER, it will be simple and probably less than a minute) pls fill out this form & read the rules:


book title:

face claim:

love interest: (if there is one)

quick summary of book:

mood: (ie, happy, dramatic, epic, serious, sad, mysterious, etc)


1. you MUST be following me and show your support on my books.

2. if i do your teaser trailer you MUST post it in your book and give me credit. i know this sounds selfish but videos take a while to make and i don't want to make  you one if you're not going to use it. (if i make you a video, and you don't post it and/or give credit within a couple days, i will simply remove it off youtube)


4. your book must be published and have at least a couple chapters up.

5. you HAVE to be patient. videos take a while. i have to find good clips, download them, edit everything together then upload to youtube. they don't grow on trees boys. and please don't DM me nagging me for your trailer, bc that's just rude.

6. don't be picky. if you give me way too detailed of instructions i may just ignore them bc there's only so much i can do. i have a life. also due to copyright issues there's some music and clips etc i simply can't use.

7. remember i do not have to make your trailer. if i read your form and feel inspired, or if i really like your book there's a chance i will get around to it. but remember i do have a life (surprisingly) so no, i won't be doing every trailer that's requested.

8. please only request a teaser trailer if... one: your book is a fanfic for the 100... and two: you have a face claim with video clips that could fit in a trailer.( i.e. if your face claim is some model or youtuber i probably can't make a good trailer bc they won't fit with the rest of the clips.)


okay, i may end up regretting this but, whatever! if it gets too overwhelming i'll simply delete this chapter. but PLEASE feel free to comment bc i do have those super boring days where i will have time to make teaser trailers for you guys!

xoxoxoxox TAY

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