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"I found out they were sending you to Earth. I couldn't let you go alone." - Bellamy Blake


AYEE. i just want to say thank you to everyone who suggested tips for me to write, i promise i will try to get to all of them. you're all legends.


okie so today we are going to be talking about dialogue, but not just dialogue. also, how to add your OC into dialogue without it being awkward. because sometimes it feels like everything that there is to be said in a scene is already said by the other characters, so it gets kinda awkward. well, even though i struggle with this on a daily basis, i'll try to help you:

TIP ONE: make sure your character has a strong personality so when you give them lines, it makes sense for them to have them. also giving your character a strong background/relationships with characters will help too.

TIP TWO: a super basic tip is give reasoning for your character's line in the writing. like "she was feeling scared so she said _____" ; "the anger burning up inside him caused him to yell _________", this way the reader gets a feeling for why your character is saying what they said.

TIP THREE: don't force your OC to have dialogue where it isn't needed. instead show their feelings towards the dialogue happening in front of them, or what they're doing during the dialogue that is happening. (ex: "Whatever the hell we want!" Murphy screamed, echoing Bellamy's voice. OC watched from the outskirts of the group, soaking in the scene. He'd lived for this moment, this taste of freedom. He never thought he'd actually see it. On the Ark he'd been a prisoner for as long as he could remember, so why did he feel obliged to keep his wristband on? His fingers flickered over the cool metal. It was time to be free.)

TIP FOUR: if there's a certain scene your character doesn't fit in at all, just don't put them in that scene. ik that's kinda blunt but i don't know how else to say it lol.

TIP FIVE: make your own original scenes. YES, it's good to use the script because it helps you stay on track with the story, it helps you make sure your characters stay in character, etc. but write some scenes that aren't in the show as well. for one it gives your character more wiggle room to be themselves, and for two it makes your book not just a copy of the show with your OC just standing around.


okay so below i did an example dialogue that uses most of the above tips! hopefully it helps, it's kinda sucky because it's late at night and i kinda rushed it but yeah, lol.


background/relationship info: your OC is an engineer named Willa Danes who grew up on the Ark as best friends with Clarke Griffin. The reason she's in lockup is because she tried to sneak into solitary to visit Clarke after she was arrested. Willa and Clarke are more like a sisters and super protective over each other.

dialogue: (from 'EPISODE: His Sister's Keeper')

Willa sat on an uncomfortable bench across from Raven, her elbows digging into the makeshift table. She bit her tongue in concentration. She was trying in vain to bend her copper wire at a precise angle, but her hands were shaky due to lack of sleep, and her patience was dwindling by the second. Neither of the two girls talked, both were far too concentrated on their jobs.

"How's it coming?"

At the sound of her friend's voice Willa looked up, throwing Clarke a tired smile. "I mean, we'd be doing better if we had the radio, but I'm pretty sure Earth has taught us we can't have nice things."

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