relationship factory.

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"we survive together." - octavia blake


obviously one of the main things that will keep your story going is the relationships your OC has with other characters. (and i don't just mean romantic). so i'm going to make two lists. one will be a list of types of relationships. the other will be a list of possible characters your OC could have a relationship with. (i'm not going to list every character on the 100, just some who i think it would be cool for an OC to have a relationship with)


- daughter

- son

- best friend

- friend

- acquaintance 

- enemy

- frenemy

- ex girlfriend/boyfriend

- girlfriend

- boyfriend

- step son

- step daughter

- step mom

- step dad

- student

- sibling

- cell mate


Clarke Griffin, Jasper Jordan, Monty Green, Raven Reyes, Finn Collins, Bellamy Blake, Octavia Blake, Wells Jaha, Lincoln, Echo, Maya Vie, Cage Wallace, Dante Wallace, Lorelei Tsing, Carl Emerson, Jacopo Sinclair, Anya, Diana Sydney, Charles Pike, Nathan Miller, Marcus Kane, Thelonius Jaha, John Murphy, Abby Griffin, Indra, Zoe Monroe, Lexa, Vera Kane... ETC


now pick a relationship, and pick a character.

here's a layout:

___________ is my OC's ____________.

here's some examples:

☞ Jasper Jordan is my OC's ex-boyfriend

☞ Anya is my OC's sister

☞ Finn Collins is my OC's enemy

☞ Octavia Blake is my OC's cell mate

☞ Maya Vie is my OC's best friend

ETC ETC ETC i'm sure you get the point

also, as i suggested in an earlier section it's smart to map out your character's major relationships (i.e., do a quick write up explaining the history of their relationship and how it affects your OC!)


AND NOW ONTO THE JUICY STUFF - romantic relationships

in most fanfics, the main character ends up with one of the original characters from the TV show. honestly to me it doesn't really matter who your OC ends up with. i mean there are some characters that are underrated and could use more fics about them (think Raven, Monty, Jasper, etc etc etc.), but ultimately the choice is up to you. as i was saying, it doesn't really matter who your OC ends up with, it matters how  they end up in said relationship.

so. i have to admit, i'm definitely not an expert at writing romance, i think its actually kind of hard. but i'll give you the best tips i have lol

☞ unless the two people involved in this relationship knew each other before your book started, please do not do the whole 'love at first sight thing'.

example: OC stepped off the drop-ship, and turned to see Murphy staring at her. They were on earth for the first time, but she was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. She ran over to him and they kissed and got married ten minutes later.

obviously that is a super exaggerated example but honestly guys slow burns are the way to go especially when writing a fanfic for 'the 100'. let's be realistic here. the characters are trying to survive earth and all its treacheries. their first priority most likely is not going to be getting into relationship, at least not at first. don't get me wrong, they still happen, it just wouldn't be like right away. ya feel? does this make any sense at all? i feel like i always write these tips late at night then i sound like a moron but whatever lol. it makes sense to me.

☞ a basic relationship pattern formula:

- strangers. your two characters have never met before. at most they've seen each other at a distance but haven't actually ever spoken before.

- acquaintances. your two characters have met, maybe talked a few times but wouldn't consider one another as friends or actually taken the time to get to know the other. at this time they may not even like each other because they don't know each other well enough to like them and are annoyed by behaviour they don't understand...

- friends. your two characters have talked more, learned more about each other and consider one another as fairly close.

- best friends. your two characters may not be the stereotypical 'best friends' but this stage just means they trust each other and care deeply about one another. they've been close for a considerable amount of time.

- girl/boyfriend. AYEE your two characters have made it. 

OBVIOUSLY there is wiggle room in this formula. you don't have to stick right to it, you could swap one stage out, mix them around, etc but it's just sort of a helpful guide.


✮ THANK YOU to @MagdalenaSt for the idea of writing a chapter on relationships! 

i hope this was somewhat useful in helping you guys come up with some good relationships for your OC. again, thank you so much for reading. please feel free to comment anything, but especially any other tips or chapters you think could be useful! xo xo

screw fear. | THE 100Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon