Friends again

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"C'mon we're gonna be late!" I yelled through the house and I heard three doors slam shut. Nate, Jonah and Luca all ran downstairs, past me and out the front door. That was easy. Cynthia walked down the stairs gracefully and smiled at me. "Someone's a little excited" she teased and I felt my cheeks go warm. "I really enjoy acting" I shrugged my shoulders as I locked the front door. Cynthia and Jonah were seated in front and Luca, Nate and I in the back. Nate sat in the middle thankfully. You know how they say when you get too excited, time seems to slow down? It felt like ages before we finally pulled up into the parking lot of the hall we were performing at. Cameron was standing by the door. I got out of the car and raced towards him. "Hey you!" I greeted him and he opened his arms for me to hug him. I giggled and let him pull me inside. We were greeted by the woman from yesterday, Molly. She rushed us backstage and our outfits were given to us. Separating into our change rooms we both put on our outfits for the first scene. I had on a lovely dress, a ball gown to be exact. Once I was done I exited the room and saw Cameron leaning against the wall in a expensive looking suit. Molly appeared out of nowhere and giggled with excitement. "Hair and makeup that way!" She yelled pointing her finger down the hall. Cam and I walked down the hall into yet another room and our hair and makeup was tended to. Once we were completely finished we both got into our places. I had memorized my lines in a matter of two hours, now let's just hope I don't get mixed up and make a fool of myself. The curtain rose and I was exposed.

"I am so lost" I muttered to myself. I lifted my head up to observe my surroundings before looking back down at my makeshift map. I turned around slowly and thankfully bumped into Cameron as I was meant to. "Oh I'm sorry!" He exclaimed and I tried hard not to burst out laughing. He was trying a little too hard. "It's fine, hey help me. Where's epping hospital?" I asked Cameron with a straight face. "I can't really explain but I can show you?" He offered and I nodded. We both started to walk off in the opposite direction and it was all quiet. "I'm Nicholas by the way" Cameron said and he held his hand out. We kept walking but I didn't face him. "Daniella." Cameron put his hand down and nodded. The audience laughed and I smiled ever so slightly. "Why are you going to the hospital in such a lovely dress?" Nicholas asked Daniella. "I was at a ball, my best friend just gave birth" I replied and Cam nodded again. "Where were you?" I motioned my hands up and down to emphasize the point he was wearing a suit. He sighed before shaking his head. "What?" I pushed and Cameron sighed again. "My girlfriend just broke up with me, we were out to dinner and just as I was about to propose I got the whole 'this isn't gonna work out'. Sad thing is I thought we were going fine" he answered Daniella's question. He actually sounded so distraught I held my breath. My character was supposed to be heartless but when she heard him say this she hugs him. I leaned in and hugged Cameron and he hugged me back. The crowd awed.

We were in our final scene and Nicholas and Daniella had fallen in love by now. I was lying in a hospital bed and Cameron was sitting down next to my bed in a chair. I woke up slowly as if coming out of unconsciousness. Cameron held his head up and then he stood up after he realized I was awake. I turned my head around taking in my surroundings. "You know what sucks?" Cameron asked and I looked at him waiting for his answer. "I met you when you were looking for a hospital and now that we're together, you're in a hospital" I laughed making sure I sound scruffy. "I'm sorry this happened, I love you" Cameron apologized and I sighed. "I don't think I'd ever get sick of hearing you say that" I concluded and the audience gave us a standing ovation. The curtain slowly closed on Cameron and I looking at each other. As soon as it was closed I started laughing. "This play is so cliché it hurts" I tried to say in between laughs. I got up out of the bed and we both walked into the change rooms. We both changed into our clothes we arrived in. Molly came and gave us both a hug and she was so ecstatic. "The critic loved it, I can't thank you guys enough!" She exclaimed. Molly had tears starting up in her eyes and I smiled at her. She was so cute. "This is yours and this is yours" Molly chimed handing over a wad of cash to me and Cameron. We both looked at each other shocked. "No no no need, we agreed to do the job without no cash it's fine" I assured her. "I'm sure" she simply stated before giving us both a peck on the cheek. She walked out of the curtains and we both heard her squeal.

I watched Cameron walk off towards his mum and I looked around helplessly. I couldn't find anyone I knew in this crowd. Even Luca would be fine. Except when I did see someone I knew it wasn't the someone I wanted. "Wow Carmela you're an amazing actor" Lily complimented me and I gulped. "Thank you" I replied. We both just awkwardly stood there. "You look great" I said. Before she could have replied we were both interrupted. "Carmelaaa darling I didn't know you were playing Daniella! This is my Favourite play!" Lionel exclaimed dramatically. "Lion hey how are you? It was just a sudden thing to be honest" I replied. By then Lily had wondered off and lion and I were just speaking about the play. He eventually dragged me off to go find 'the new Marone.' I didn't tell him I wasn't speaking to him and I didn't plan on doing so. We ended up finding our group standing outside. "Carmela! You were phenomenal!" Cynthia called out coming up to hug me. I was praised by my family and friends and it couldn't have been a more perfect moment. Cameron and his mum joined us a little while later and he insisted on using his play money to take us all to a fancy restaurant.

The restaurant was amazing. The atmosphere was amazing. The food was amazing. The people were amazing. We were on our way home and I was so tired. I leaned my head against the window shield and thought I'd nap until we got home. Once we got home, I was conked out. Luca knocked gently on the window and I lifted my head up slowly. I turned aside to grab my purse and got out of the car. "Want a piggy back?" Luca offered and I'm sure If I wasn't so tired I would've laughed. "Sure, I'm still angry at you but I'm too tired to walk upstairs" I gave in. Luca bent down and I took off my heels, holding them in one hand. I got onto his back and he started to walk towards the house. Once we were in my room I laid down on my bed and yawned. "The suns not down yet" Luca randomly pointed out. "I see" I replied. Luca kicked his foot around before sitting down in the couch I had in my room. "Look" he started. I sat up straight and looked at him, I motioned my hands as if beckoning him to continue. "I'm sorry for being such a tool, it's just Anthony and Lily are planning their wedding, they haven't told anyone yet but they are and Anthony doesn't want anything to happen" Luca explained. "Whatever, I'm still telling Lily" I shrugged. "Are you jealous of her? Do you want them to break up?" Luca accused. I scoffed. "Please, I'm over Anthony the kiss that happened meant nothing to me. I'm just sick of guys going around and being assholes and the girls never knowing" I replied in a disgusted tone. Luca watched me for a couple of seconds before he sighed. "At least let Anthony know first" he suggested and I nodded. After a couple of minutes of us just sitting there, Luca spoke. "Are we friends again?" "You sound like a child" I teased and he smiled. "We are" I confirmed and he smiled wider. "Now that we're on good terms wanna go to our Favourite place ever" he exaggerated and I giggled. "Oak tree?" I questioned already knowing the answer. Before I even finished my question Luca ran out of the room. "Beat ya there!" He yelled and I got up abruptly. "You wish!"

He did indeed, beat me there. Loser. He helped me climb up the tree and I winced as my injured leg hit the tree. "Sorry!" He exclaimed and I giggled. "It's fine" I said adjusting my seating position so that I was comfortable. "So.. Tell me something random about yourself" Luca said a little too enthusiastic. I hummed for a second before blurting out "I slept naked last night." Luca looked at me with an amused expression. "Really that's all you got? I always sleep naked! Tell me something interesting!" He nudged me. I chuckled before starting to hum again. "Oh! I saw you naked once! I had to wake you up and you were you know indecent" I lied. I expected his face to contort into fear or something instead he chuckled. "Liar, I've never slept naked before. I lied" he confessed. "So.. You lied I lied" I admitted and he looked at me. "Aye don't change the subject, this is about you" he challenged and I sighed. "Dammit." The next half hour was spent joking around and teasing each other. The sunset was as breathtaking as ever. As I got down from the tree, Luca bent down. "Two piggy backs in one day? Score!" I fist pumped and Luca chuckled. I climbed onto his back and he walked towards the house. Once we parted ways to our own rooms I decided I needed a shower. Once I got out, I towel dried my hair and brushed it down. I was contemplating on whether I should put clothes on or not. I decided not to. Getting under my sheets clean and naked I sighed. 'I'm gonna sleep in for sure' I thought. As I was slowly drifting asleep, my phone vibrated. I groaned as I turned to my bedside table and picked it up.

1 message - Luca Marone

I opened up the message and read it: 'you naked?'

I chuckled before replying: 'yeah, are you?'

I waited a good minute for him to reply, when I read it I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

1 message - Luca Marone

'Now I am.'

Carmela's SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora