yasei no hana | 野生の花

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'you're orange today'
the boy said.


'yes. with a hint of purple. and a little undertone of blue and baby pink.'

'you're very lime green today.'


'i don't know. you're also a bit red, like a deep fire red. and i can sense some magenta in there. you're strong today. i also feel some brown.'




'brown reminds me of strong wood bridges and tall trees and log cabins in a snowstorm. you're strong today dan.'

'i love you.'

'shall we go to the sōgen, dan?'

the meadow, or 'sōgan' as the two young but mature boys had called it, was phil's favourite place to go.
it was filled with wild flowers, or yasei no hana, and he loved them.

the fresh, colourful petals, mixed with soft sounds and laced with the hands of his loved one made it perfect.


'can you believe that this is our little spot?'


'thanks for taking me here that one time dan'

'thats okay. sharing it with a person i love more than anyone else could only make it better, right?'

phil smiled.



'how did you find this meadow?'

he had asked this question a million times but he always loved hearing the answer.

dan smiled and turned his head to face his significant other.

'it was an autumn night and i was sad.
i walked out the door and wandered the streets. but then i came across a small path. i followed the path, scared for what would be at the end of it. maybe there would be a murderer or something? i didn't know. but i kept walking. eventually, i saw this meadow and it took my breath away.
i just had to lay down and look around me. the beauty of the wild flowers captured me and i could not leave the field until all of my tears had flowed out of my eyes and all of the flora had absorbed them. eventually, i went back home. i felt cleansed and refreshed. i felt happy.
and then i took you here. and you made it infinitely better.
i really appreciate you coming here with me phil.

a smile reappeared on phils face.

'what's your favourite flower here dan?' he asked

the younger boy bent down, one hand locked into phil's, the other one reaching down to grab a big, red, fragile flower.

'i like this poppy a lot.'

'why?' the older boy asked.

'because it's red.'

and that answer was enough for the black haired guy. he knew about dan's love for red. red was strong and fierce according to the curly haired boy. 
he had said it 'reminded him of a spreading fire with an undertone of safety' once.

'i like this one.' phil said while pointing at one flower in particular in the field of fresh flowers which stretched around them and didn't seem to end.

'that one?' dan pointed.

'yes, that blue one. that corn flower.
it has some orange shades and green undertones. and a grey shine.'

dan's hand left phil's hand for a second and took a small step toward the blue-purplish corn flower. he picked it, slowly, making sure the stem wouldn't be ruined.

and while dan was picking the corn flower, phil picked another poppy from the ground.

he stood back up and walked back to his boy.

'come here'

phil inched closer, looking dan in the eye.


'you feel pink phil'

'you are feeling yellow.'

that was enough to make dan stick the dainty flower in phil's hair, behind his ear and grab his face between his hands.

they had made each other flower chains before and they had turned those chains into flower crowns. but they had never just simply stuck a flower in each other's hair.

phil looked so goddamn pretty.

and it was so goddamn unfair that someone could look so beautiful.

dan couldn't resist it anymore and he gently placed his lips onto phil's cheek, nose, neck and eventually he reached the boy's lips.

phil didn't tell dan off once.
instead, he stuck the poppy he was still holding in his hand, in the waistband of dan's jeans.

the sun faded and stars appeared.

the boys made love under falling stars and they were hoping 'moon, please forget to fall down' because - oh god- this was the most perfect moment of both of their lives.

karera wa otagai o aishite ita
they loved each other

wowza thanks for reading
i don't necessarily know what this oneshot was but i hope you've enjoyed it nonetheless
please give me some feedback because i want to improve my writing oOPS
and don't forget to check out some of my other fics and oneshots!

stay alive.

'hey moon, please forget to fall down, hey moon, don't you go down.'

yasei no hana | 野生の花 | a phan oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now