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A/n: For every chapter I will put a Drarry picture! This is my favorite one! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Btw I don't write smut! I just do some fluff! Sorry if you don't like that! But I may change that in the future! ;)

-Can you guess who I am?

Draco's pov:

I was so fucking nervous. I made reservations at Harry's favorite restaurant. I planned on proposing. It has been 4 years sense the war. We have been dating sense fourth year. So seven damn years of loving him. But what if he doesn't say yes. Everybody says he will.

But what if he doesn't. What if. I need to stop with these what ifs. Damn my thoughts. But what if he rejects me and breaks my heart into a million pieces. Then fuck his beautiful green eyes. Fuck his perfect jaw line. Fuck his beautiful raven colored messy hair. Fuck I am head over heals four him.

I snap out of my thoughts when the door to our house in Godrics Hallow opens.

Harry's pov:

I open the door to the house and walk in. I hang my coat and sigh. Being a auror can suck sometimes. Especially being away from Draco for such a long time. He is my boyfriend after all. I'm 21 and I barely see him.

I walk in the living room and see him on the couch in my Weasley sweater twirling his wand in his hand. I sit down on the couch and snap him out of his thoughts.

"Hey Dragon!" I say pecking his cheek. He smiles and turns my head for a kiss. I happily oblige. I get that same spark that has always been there. I will never get bored of his lips that tasted of mint.

We reluctantly pull away. I look at Draco and he seems a little nervous. I put a hand on his leg to stop it from shaking. "What's wrong?" I ask concern clear as day in my voice.

"O-oh nothing I'm fine! But I made reservations at olive garden your favorite restaurant!" Draco says. I smile and run to our room to get ready with Draco not that far.

"I will wear my green button up shirt and black jeans with my green converse but you wear a Grey shirt and Grey converse as they go with your eyes." I say grabbing the clothes. Draco just chuckles still slightly off.

I head to the bathroom to do my hair after I get dressed. Draco comes in the bathroom. "Are you ready?" Draco asks still off. But I ignore it and nod. Draco grabs my arm and we apparate to the parking lot of Olives Garden.

Draco's pov:

We land in the parking lot are arms still linked. I hope he says yes. If he doesn't are relationship will most likely end. I sure as hell hope he doesn't say no. I start to slightly hyperventilate. He notices. He looks at me concerned as we walk threw the doors. I give him a small smile. We walk up to the desk. "A table for two for Draco Malfoy!" I say to the young lady. She nods and grabs a few menus and leads us to a table for two in the back.

She hands us are menus and leaves. I look at Harry. His eyes are scanning over the menu. He feels my gaze and looks up. He smiles. I smile back. ''What are you gonna get?" I ask him. He looks up once again.

"The eggplant parmesan! You?" He asks with a slight tilt to the head with a small smile on his face. "Well I am getting Chicken parmesa!" I say smirking. He just rolls his eyes at the waitress comes back over.

"What would you like to order?" She says with a smile and I notice she has a amused look in her eye. Harry ordered a strawberry cocktail and I order a mango cocktail. She leans in my ear when Harry said he left something back at the front desk. "When are you gonna purpose? I totally wanna see it!" She whispers excitedly.

I smile. "Tonight! Just after we finish eating!" I say back. She squeals and runs off to get our drinks. I chuckle a little. Harry returns with his keys. "You really forgot your keys!" I say with a amused expression. He nods and holds his keys in my face. He drops them on my lap and I realize their mine as it has the snake key. I blush from embarrassment. He just laughs.

After a few moments the lady returns with our drinks and ask us what we want to eat. I order chicken parmesan and Harry orders his eggplant parmesan. "Okay your food will be done quickly as not many people are here right now!" She says then practically skips away. I have a feeling she is just getting our food done quicker so I can propose quicker. Damn that girl. She is like a fan girl of me and Harry dating.

"Ferret? You there?'' Harry asks waving a hand in my face snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod slowly. "Are you okay? Im worried about you. You've been off all day. Is there something wrong?" Harry asks me clearly concerned and worried.

Im not fine as your most likely gonna reject me. "Im fine Harry! Everything's great!" I lie. He hesitantly nods. He gives me a small smile as the lady cones with are food. Damn she is quick. She really wants my doom to come.

She places down are food and sits down at a table in hearing range. She pretends to go on her phone. I eat my food very slowly. I want these minutes to last with Harry. Hopefully he says yes. Hopefully I can marry him. Hopefully someday we can adopt kids. I hope I have that with Harry. But they do say hope just brings eternal misery. After a half hour we or I finally finish which only felt like five minutes.

"Harry we need to talk!" I say while standing up. He looks a little worried and confused but nods. "I can't be your boyfriend anymore" I began but he cuts me off.

"Why? I love you! Please Dont leave me! I can't lose you too!" He says quickly as his eyes widen in fear and tears brim his eyes.

"I can't be your boyfriend anymore as I wanna be your husband!" I finish and get down on one knee and open a black box which holds a ring that has a lion and snake. He looks at me shocked. He is going to say no. I just know he is.

But a smile quickly is on his face. "Yes! 100× yes! I love you so much!" He says and engulfs me in a hug. I hug back the happiest man in the world.

A/n: Damn! I wrote 1160 words for this one shot! Longest one right here! Hope you liked it! Dont forget to comment and vote!

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