love is stronger than death part 2

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Love is stronger than death part 2
Draco's pov:

I walked onto the courtyard with the others. Fear flooded me.

It couldn't be true. What was Hagrid carrying? Is Harry still alive!

He has to be. But my fears were confirmed.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort laughed. I winced at the sound if my heart splitting. My life changing forever.

The death eaters laughed. "No!" I heard someone yell. It was Granger but Weasley pulled her back.

"You foolish girl! He is dead! Now Hagrid put him at my feet for them all too see!" Voldemort ordered.

A sobbing Hagrid gently placed Harry in front of his feet. I let out a sob. McGonagall looked at me sadly.

She caught me and Harry making out in the begging of 5th year.

''Now sense your leader is dead! Join me...or die!'' Voldemort says.

No one moved. Not a inch.

"Draco! Poor Draco!'' my father said. I scowled at him.

I started walking over. But I stopped half way there.

I stood 50 feet away from Voldemort. He looked confused.

"I have something too say!" I say. Voldemort glares at me.

"Draco no!" my mother begs me. I give her a mournful look.

"Very well then Draco!" Voldemort says.

"Harry isn't truly gone!" I say. Voldemort smirks. I glare at him while my mother is begging me to stop. "No mother I won't stop! I loved Harry and he killed him! He took one of the only few good things in my life! He took the only person I loved!" I yell.

Voldemort just laughs and raises his wand. "Avada-" he begins.

But Harry. Harry shoots up and fires a spell. I feel happiness flood through me.

"Harry!" I yell. He turns around and smiles. Everyone else is smiling except the death eaters without my mother who is beaming.

He runs to me. But I see a green light out of the corner of my eye. I push Harry out of the way.

I see the green light come towards me. But before it hits me Harry yells "I love you!".

I was swallowed in blackness.

Harry's pov:

I felt my world shatter in pieces. Just like that. Those three words were the last words that he would hear.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. But then the shock wore off. I was seething.

I turned to Voldemort who was shocked as everyone else. Draco Malfoy sacrificed himself for his archenemy Harry Potter.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort yelled. Everyone gasped as a blinding pink light surrounded me.

The curse fired back at Voldemort as Neville killed the snake. Voldemort dropped dead.

I started crying. I went too Draco. I grabbed him and cried into his chest.

"I love you!" I whisper repeatedly.

"I love you too!" a voice whispers back.

I look at Draco and he us smiling.

I crash are lips together. Draco is alive. Voldemort is dead.

Everything is perfect!

I hope your enjoying this!

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