Spring Time

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I took my phone from the bedside drawer and looked at the time. It’s 2:24 a.m. I sighed and put my phone back on the table. I looked at the sleeping figure beside me. She has her bare back at me. I ran my fingertips, feeling her soft skin, from her shoulder down to her back then I slid my arm around her waist and pulled her closer. 

“Hmmm…” She turned around and faced me. Sleepy eyes looked up to mine.

“Hey…you’re still awake?” I nodded.

“Why won’t you sleep?” I hugged her tight and rested my head against hers.

“I don’t want to close my eyes. I’m afraid that if I do close them…you might be gone when I open them again…I’m scared that all of this might just be a dream…” Amber wiped the tears away. 

“I’m sorry…I’m really really sorry…I was stupid, everything happened so fast…and I didn’t know what to do…I didn’t want to hurt you…I swear…”

“Sshh…” Amber cupped my face.

“It’s alright…It’s all behind us now. Let’s just forget about it…”

“Forget what?”

“The past…”

“The past? But the past is when I started loving you…I don’t want to forget loving you Amber…I never will…” My emotions got the best of me again…

“Why are you pushing me away?”

“I am not pushing you away…”

“Yes you are…is it because of Taeyang? I-I know you’re close to him…You’re pushing me away because you’re getting married to him…” Now, I’m just an overflowing dam of emotions.

“Don’t think that I’m pushing you away…you’re the only one I’ve kept the closest…I never stopped loving you Henry…I didn’t even dare try to forget you. All the memories that we had kept me living through the years…”

“But at the airport…y-you told me you need to let me go…”

“Letting you go means letting go of the hope that we’ll be together…it doesn’t mean that I’ll let go of my love for you.”

“Y-you really don’t think that we’ll be together again?”

Amber didn’t answer. She nuzzled her face to my neck and hugged me tight.

“Can we just enjoy this moment? I’m happy that I’m with you right now Henry. I don’t want to ruin that happiness. Please? There’s still tomorrow. Maybe things will work out…”

Yes. I do hope things will work out. Amber drifted off to sleep. I kissed her forehead.

“I want time to stay till. I want to stay like this forever. I love you so much Liu Yi Yun.” I didn’t want to sleep, but my body wanted me to. So I closed my eyes and hoped for a better tomorrow.


Light pierced through the window curtains. My heart started to beat faster, when I open my eyes, would I still find her beside me? Slowly, I opened my eyes. My heart fluttered when I saw my princess sleeping peacefully. Could this be a start of something new?

The morning passed by with such sweet torture. Amber and I would just stick to each other. I would cuddle w/ her, kiss her and hold her hand, it’s sweet but, like I said, it’s torture…she’s still wearing her engagement ring. In the afternoon, we were walking around the park, enjoying the autumn view then we heard a chopper landing. No, it couldn’t be. Amber let go of my hand and ran back to the cabin when I followed her. I was near the house when I stopped dead in my tracks. Taeyang was hugging Amber. He’s back.

“Henry!” Krystal ran towards me.

“I’m sorry…I tried my best but…”

“That’s okay…” I clutched my chest trying to feel if my heart is still beating.

“I knew forever is not possible. It would take a miracle for that to happen.”

As soon as everyone was on the island, we started the work immediately. Amber and I would exchange glances…I knew everything was not yet settled. Taeyang would look at us with curious eyes…I think he knows something. I tried to act natural, like nothing happened…but I can’t help it. Every time that Amber’s eyes would lock with mine, I would stop myself from walking towards her and entrap her in my arms. It took a tremendous amount of effort to do so. I never thought I’d get through with it.

After the shoot, we went back to the city. Taeyang called me to his office.

“Thank you for doing a good job Henry.”

“It was nothing boss.” I tried to act professionally. 

“Anyway…a special occasion is coming up. I know Amber hasn’t given you this yet so…here you go.” She handed me a white envelope.

“I want you to be Am’s bestman.”

I took the envelope with shivering hands.

“W-why me? Kyungsoo should be the one…he’s Ber's brother.”

“You’re Amber’s best friend right? It would be more dramatic that way…” Dramatic? How about traumatic? I was about to open my mouth when the door opened. 

“Taeyang…what do you think of-” Amber froze and dropped the folder she’s holding.

“H-henry.” I helped her gather the papers scattered on the floor. They were plans for the wedding. I came across of her wedding dress. I slipped the paper behind my back.

“Honey…” Taeyang pulled Amber for a hug and kissed her. God, Dong Young-bae, do you really have to hurt me this way?

“I asked Henry to be your bestman. Am I a genius or what?” Amber didn’t answer. Damn you Taeyang, you're a mad genius!

“I don’t think I’m worthy of being your bestman Ber. Kyungsoo would be perfect for it. Thanks anyway and congratulations.” I walked out of the room. 

“Henry! Wait!” I turned around to see her running towards me. 

“Hey…” I gave her a bitter smile. 

“I…I am really…” I messed up her hair and tapped her cheeks. I can do what I want since there’s no one in the office today.

“Don’t be sorry. This was my entire fault anyway. I deserve all these.” I handed her the paper.

“I think this dress will look good on you. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations.” I bent down to her ear and whispered.

“I love you Amber Liu.” I kissed her cheek and walked away. I'm an emotional wreck. I thought my eyes already dried up from all the crying, I guessed wrong. My shoulders shook as I walked away with a heavy heart.

Goodbyes are, in some way, good for you. It’s a form of self-reflection. They make you think of what you had, what you lost, and what you took for granted. You’ll learn a lot from goodbyes. The only thing is you have to cope up with the sadness that eats you alive.

Then spring came…

Prensent Time

"Appa!” I turned around and saw my baby boy slowly running towards me.

The old man spoke, “Is that your son?” I nodded and stopped with my work. The old man took the rake from me.

“Go, I can handle this.” He smiled. I ran towards my baby and carried him. 

“Kyuhyun…what are you doing here?” I pinched his little nose.

“Where’s your-”

“I’m here.” A pair of arms wrapped around me. “Missed me?”


Hohoho. Another update ;) hehe. Enjoy ;)

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