Singing my Blues

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Back to present time. I got tired from standing up so I sat on a nearby bench. I thought I could get away that easy from him, guess I’m wrong. He followed me and sat next to me. Is this déjà vu? But this time he’s the one pestering me. Anyway, back to the old times, after that faithful meeting one Monday morning, we were stuck like the Astro twins. He was me and I was him.  We would meet at the park every morning and walk to school together. We were classmates so we spent most of the time chatting about random things. We would eat lunch together everyday. Then after school, we would go over to each other’s house and watch movies or do assignments. He would ask me to tutor her for exams. I’m not bragging again or anything but I inherited my parents’ amazing mental skills. I memorize and absorb lessons quickly. Then one day we had this conversation.

“Amber, do you like someone right now?” We were lying on his bed, reading some of the comics he owns.

“Hmm…there’s no one I like right now.” I continued to browse through the comics. “How about you?”

“Well…I like this Hyuna girl from the other class.” I turned to her.

“What? The cheerleader?” I closed the comic book I was reading and looked at him seriously. 

“Yes. That’s the one. Why? Don’t you like her?” 

“You really want my opinion?” I laid my back on the soft mattress as Henry hovered at me.

“Of course. Your opinion matters most. You’re my best friend.” 

“Well, I don’t like her for you. Cheerleaders are problems.” Henry placed his chin on my tummy.

“Don’t be judgemental, Am. Give her a chance.”

"Whatever. It’s your life anyway. And…will you get your pointed chin off of my tummy? It hurts when you talk you know.”

“Hahaha! You think it's near your private part, right??” I pushed his head away from me.

“You’re such a pervert, Summer!” I got off the bed and looked for the remote for the t.v. while he was just laughing his head off. I gave him the nickname Summer because he’s as cheerful as the summer sun.

I didn’t think that Henry would take that talk seriously. When Hyuna moved out of the village, she entered another school. Henry followed her. I objected it of course but, what can I do? His parents obliged him and wasn’t I the one who told him that it’s his life anyway? Aish.

Present time again!

I looked at my watch. Why is my boyfriend so late?  Beside me, I saw Henry get a pack of cigarettes from his backpack. He lighted one and blew the smoke upward. That’s one thing that has changed in him. Since he and Hyuna became official, he did things he didn’t do before. He started to drink. He started to party every night and the worst…he started to smoke. He promised me before that he wouldn’t even dare touch a stick but here he is, smoking one and unminding the hazards it can bring to his and to others health. He even had less time to spend with me when they became official.

That’s what I was really upset about. We would have schedules planned ahead, like movie nights, sleepovers and bonding time. And guess what, he missed it all just for his darling Hyuna. I confronted him about it and he just shrugged me off and said…”Why are you jealous? You’re just my bestfriend. Hyuna's my GIRLFRIEND.”  He even emphasized on the word girlfriend.

That stabbed me straight in my heart. But if you think that is the reason why I’m hiding from him then you’re wrong. Get ready for the real deal. 


Hey there fellow readers. Sorry for not updating for weeks. Anyway, here it is :) 

Goodbye, SummerWhere stories live. Discover now