Missing Winter

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I roamed around the airport for my friend. Where is she? We have a photoshoot in three hours. We need to get ready by then. I continued to browse through the sea of people inside the airport. It’s summertime, people are coming to Korea for a vacation. Summer. Thoughts of this certain person flashed in my mind. I shook my head and willed the thoughts away.

Turning my head in different directions, I met a few smiling and admiring faces. Well, it’s nothing new. Since I entered high school, I’ve been used to this kind of attention. No, I'm not a well-known actor. No, I'm not an Idol or singer. I'm just a runway and print ad model. Okay, now that sounded weird. I don't know why I used the word 'just'...I know it's a tough job but...well you know, I wanted something different than this. Anyway, seeing people with admiring faces is a sight to see. Having this kind of aura…this charm is a bonus for me. My name’s Henry Lau and today I’m waiting for my choding friend to come out. We just arrived from America. I went out ahead of her because I don’t want to be late. I’m strict with schedules. I don’t want to be late for something…I learned my lesson years ago.

Aish. Where is she? Then I felt my stomach rumble. Argh. Jung Soojung, you are so going to get it. I know! I’ll eat in a restaurant and order anything I want. Then I’ll ask Krystal to come for me and ask her to pay the bill. Perfect! I’ll have my revenge! Harhar! I turned around to look for a restaurant but instead I found myself staring at this girl who’s staring back at me. I creased my forehead, squinted my eyes and tried to have a good look at her. She turned away and looked for her phone. Is she what I think she is? I walked to her but she pretended that she’s talking to someone on the phone. Aw c’mon. I can really tell she’s faking it…such cheap acting. When I got to her side she said her last lines. 

“Yeah…So what time are we having dinner? Okay, Okay. Bye.” My heart skipped a beat when I heard her voice. I can’t mistake that voice for someone else. It’s really her. She’s Liu Yi Yun. 

I composed all of my strength to stop myself from hugging her real tight. She crossed her arms over her chest and then checked herself. I saw her reach for right wrist, she touched something but I can’t see what it is.

I kept on glancing at her, studying her face…her actions. Then suddenly f(x)'s Beautiful Stranger echoed throughout the airport. Hearing the lines of the song took me down memory lane.

I remembered that Monday when we met at school. I was banging my head on the wall in the rooftop for I was embarrased a while ago in class for I slept during our lessons and the next thing I knew was I was already at the teacher's table while seating on my chair as my classmates started making fun of me for looking like Snoopy while sleeping. It was because I slept so late that I woke up late and had to rush going to school. Then this girl approached me while I was busy banging my head and kind of lectured me about banging my head. I just looked at her stunned. I noticed that she was really pretty, especially when her eyeglasses are removed. I was still staring at her when she suddenly cleared her throat and fixed her eyeglasses, and that was when I was brought back to reality. I was really embarassed at that time so I just sat on the swing for I was really lonely for I came here alone. Then she suddenly pushed me off the swing. Aish. That weird girl…I asked her what does she want and I was very much amused when she said that one line…


That was really shocking to hear but of course, I didn’t take it seriously. It’s just when we spent our time with each other-growing up with each other- when I realized that when I told her I like her, I really meant it. 

Beautiful Stranger, I’ve fallen into your big eyes

To the mysterious feeling, the language, I open my heart

A strange person, a strange us, I want to get to know you, deep into that mask

No matter how heavy the door is

I’ll keep it open so that we can talk a little more

Yes, those lyrics are true. The first time I saw her, I was enchanted by her beautiful big brown orbs. The moment I saw her, I already had a mysterious feeling building in my heart. I was sure the moment she introduced herself that I would be wanting to get to know her deep inside her icy aura. And that is because she made me feel special. She made me feel like everything in life is worth being happy for. Before I met her, I was a bully. With this thin body, I can bully even the big boys in the other school. Kids would get out of my way every time I walk down the hall. No one wanted to be my friend. 

Okay, Okay. I lied, the reason why I was alone at the rooftop was that because I had no friend. But Amber changed me. I became more open to other people. I became the school’s cheerful prince but my best friend, Amber, was the school’s ice princess. Ironic huh? The ice princess changed the bully to a cheerful prince. Let’s just say that we’re different when we’re together. To other people’s eyes, Amber is as cold as ice, she stays quiet in a corner all the time but when she’s with me, she’s a cheeky and notorious girl. To other people’s eyes, I’m as cheerful as the summer sun but when I’m with her I turn into an obedient and calm kid. 

Oh…yeah and just a random trivia. Amber gave me the nickname Summer because, as I’ve said, I’m as bright and cheerful as the summer sun. Well, I gave her a nickname too, I call her Winter. I thought of it because of her ice princess title. Anyway, what made me realize that I really like…no…LOVE my best friend was on that beautiful day in February. 

I was depressed because she wasn't with me during my birthday. FYI, I was born on February 11, 1989. On the 11th the Lius had a trip to Jeju so I was left alone that day by my Llama. 

February 14. My sister burst open my bedroom door.

“Henry. Wake up! It’s Valentines day. Give out some love to the people outside. You’ve been locking yourself in here for four days! Go out for some sun.”

“I don’t want to. Amber’s still in Jeju.” I buried my face under the pillows.

“Aish. Here. Read this.” Noona threw me a red envelope. I recognized at once the neat handwriting.

Snoopy, come to the park right N.O.W! Kekeke. I have a surprise for you.  

I quickly got out of bed and took a bath. I took my time choosing what to wear, I really want to impress Amber. When I reached the park, there were red balloons everywhere. I thought there was some Valentines show. I looked around but there’s no one there except for me. Then I saw a very very big bear in the middle of the carnation field. I walked over to it and saw a card.

Happy Valentines and Happy Birthday Summer! Love, Winter.  

I searched for Amber but she was not around. Maybe, she asked someone else to prepare this. Maybe she’s still in Jeju. Disappointment filled me but then I heard her angelic voice.

“Hey Summer.”I turned around and saw her standing a few meters away from me.

“Happy birthday.” I ran to her and hugged her real tight.

“I missed you so much. Thanks Am.”

Right at that moment, I knew I fell for her.

“Sure thing, Snoopy. I’ll do anything for my bestfriend.” Bestfriend. She only sees me as her damn best friend. My heart bled hearing that word. Maybe, she doesn’t have the same feelings as me. Actually, I didn't care if she doesn't love me the way I love her. I can win her heart. I'll do anything for her to be mine but then again I shouldn't be selfish. I couldn't risk my friendship with her just to get what I want. As stupid as it may sound, I tried to forget my feelings for Amber and made a mistake of giving my affection to someone else.   


Hey there readers :) here's my new updaaate :)  

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