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Yuuri handed the silver medal to Victor on their way out of the Grand Prix Finals, "I'm sorry," the small brunette frowned.

Victor continued his scroll through the darkness of the outside lighting before handing the medal back to Yuuri, "I asked for gold, so I guess I can't be taking this. Guess I have to coach you a whole another year," the tall male grinned before grabbing the brunette's hand so their palms hugged, and their fingers intertwined into one.

Yuuri nodded hesitantly before cocking his head, "So you're not mad? I mean I didn't get-"

The silver haired man held his hand tighter, but gave an undying source of love as he kissed his finger with the ring on, "I could never be truly mad at my fiance. I love you too much."

The brunette blushed a horizon before muttering, "I love you too."

"Now let's get some food. I know you are hungry, love. Let's just hurry before any paparazzi get a hold of you."

"Or you."

"But I'm not as cute as you"

Another scene of horizon blushed the small boy's face, "Let's get food."


They decided to dine at a place Victor insisted on going to because they held the best soups in town, and he was a soup fan on a chilly day like the night.

They may of had wine. A glass or two...Or the whole bottle. As they were taxi to their hotel room as a new form of love was in the atmosphere...lust.

They barely had enough time to make it to their room before Victor had his lips onto Yuuri. Searching for a different type of pleasure with his tongue down his throat.

"Gorgeous, " the tall male hummed into the make out.

Yuuri was lifted up by his thighs as the brunette wrapped his legs around the silver haired pawn's waist. Moans escaped his lips as Victor carried him across the wooden flooring into the bedroom. The brunette was lightly placed on his back on the duvet covers that matched the pastel curtains. That allowed a crack of the moon's rays to mask their bodies.

Victor removed his shirt with an instant of releasing the small man. It was tossed aside with no destination other than his body. The muscular male already was removing Yuuri's shirt with his consent. Next were their pants and under garments. They both just froze and stared at their purest forms. Both polar opposite; Victor having a chiseled broad physique that accompanied his tall height, and Yuuri having a smaller feminine frame that speaks out to Victor.

What can you say? Opposite attract like how the rain meets the sun to form a rainbow. Something beautiful beyond words.

Victor leaned into close to Yuuri so he was straddling the male. His hands made their way to the brunette's waist as lips started at the feminine male's neck.



Victor than lowered his head to the boy's chest.





The silver haired male claiming his beautiful human prize that no gold can compete.



"Yours," Yuuri gulped from the pleasure that was crawling through every bone throughout his body.

Victor smirked before leaning into another lustful make out.

"Please," Yuuri gulped out a moan.

"Please what?"

"Make love to me."



      Pain through the hips

Was the first two things Yuuri felt in the morning. Well what he felt physically, but mentally was a whole new picture. He felt loved and cared about as he noticed the arm around his waist. He just hoped it was not a drunken one night stand. Victor was seemed in control, yet he drunk more than the brunette.

He did not regret it. What he regret was forgetting to take his birth control. It was only one small pill, so no harm...right?

Yuuri shook the harmful thoughts out of his head as he felt a warm kiss on his head.

"Good morning," Victor smiled from behind.

"Morning," Yuuri yawned as they both got up.

As they began to get dressed the silver haired male growled while staring at the feminine boy, "I don't know if you can remember, but you are mine. You are to precious to let go."

"Yours," Yuuri gulped, "I'm yours."

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