Home Sweet Home.

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Riker's P.O.V.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Jamie who looked sick on the ride home.

"I'm good. I'm really tired," she said.

"You slept the whole plane ride, again. How could you possible be tired?" I asked.

"Riker, I could sleep for three years straight and wake up, and I will be as tired as if I didn't sleep for three years." I chuckled.

"Well, we're almost home. Don't go to sleep," I told her. I looked over at her with her hands on her stomach. She looked like she was thinking.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"You really like the name Jackson?" she asked.

"I came up with that on the spot. I thought about Madpison. Why?"

"I was just thinking of names. I like Madison. Jackson is cute, too. I just can't wait until next month, so we know the exact gender." I smiled and drove to Jamie's house. We finally reached it.

"I will get the luggage. You can go inside," I told her.

"Are you sure?" she asked. I nodded. She didn't walk inside. I grabbed the luggage.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I want to walk with you," she said. I gave her a kiss.

"I love you," I told her.

"I love you, too!" We walked inside and Nicole and Rocky were watching TV.

"Welcome home!" Rocky said. Nicole got up and walked over.

"I missed you both! How did it go?" she asked and gave us both a hug.

"Better than I thought. Except, my parents are going to look for a house down here, and Riker told them that we are going to buy a house. If they really move, we have to buy a house," Jamie said. Nicole looked at me with her jaw dropped. I shrugged.

"You know you can live here," Nicole said.

"I know, but Riker doesn't know how to shut up."

"Hey! He asked me what my plan was for us. I told him," I tried to explain myself.

"Well, maybe they won't move. Just don't worry about it. How did our parents take it?" Rocky chimed in, asking me.

"Good! They're excited, and they aren't planning on moving," I joked. Jamie hit my shoulder. I laughed.

"I'm going to take your stuff to your room. I'll be back," I told Jamie.

"Okay," she said. I walked back to her room and set down her stuff. I walked back out, and everyone was sitting down in the living room.

"I'm so glad to be home," Jamie was saying as I sat down beside her.

"Yeah. Oh, Rocky. Mom and Dad said hey. They wanted me to tell everyone. I'll see everyone else tonight, and I'll tell them then," I said.

"I'll have to text them," Rocky said.

"You text your parents?" Jamie asked.

"You don't?" Rocky asked.

"If I did, my parents would've known that I was coming down. They had no clue," Jamie said.

"You could've called," Nicole said.

"My mom never shuts up. I would've been on the phone from telling her that I was going to be there till getting home after leaving her house. I thought it would easier to make it a surprise," Jamie said.

"You're mom does talk a lot. You left us to go get a shower, and we were talking the whole time. Mostly, she was talking," I said. Everyone laughed.

"What did she say?" Nicole asked.

"She just talked about things under the sun," I said. Jamie nodded.

"Sounds like my mom."

We continued talking, getting more specific about what had happened while we were gone.


Jamie's P.O.V.

We had talked about everything. From walking into the door when the smell of the food made me sick to telling my mom bye. Soon after, it got late. Rocky didn't have any clean clothes, so he wanted to go home. Riker had drove him over, so he had to take him home. Rocky would've taken Nicole's car, but she has to go to work in the morning.

Rocky went back to Nicole's room to get his stuff. I gave Riker a long hug.

"I love you," he said as he wrapped his arm about my back. He kissed me on top of my head. I hugged back.

"I love you, too," I said. I sat down on the couch after our hug ended. He sat down beside me. He put his hands on my stomach.

"I love you, too," he told the baby. I chuckled. As if planned, Nicole and Rocky walked around the corner.

"Ready, Riker?" Rocky asked. Riker have me a short kiss and stood up.

"Yeah. Bye, Jamie. Bye, Nicole," Riker said. Rocky hugged Nicole, and they left. Nicole sat down on the opposite end of the couch.

"Well, how was your time without me?" I asked, since we have only been talking about me.

"It was good. Nothing bizarre or worth mentioning happened," Nicole told me.

"Oh. What did you and Rocky do?" I asked.

"Well, we went on two dates. We haven't been on a date in a while. It was fun!"

"Awe! Riker and I haven't been on a date since my birthday."

"You're joking?" Nicole asked.

"Nope. Unless if going to tell our parents that we're pregnant counts," I pouted.

"That sucks. That is going to change. I will tell Riker to take you on a date. You guys should go on many dates before this baby comes."

"Well, before I get too big," I said. Nicole turned on the TV, but I couldn't stay awake no more.

"I'm tired. See you in the morning," I said to Nicole.

"Goodnight!" she said as I walked off. I walked into my room to see my suitcase laying on my bed. I walked over to it and opened it. I grabbed my charger and pills out. I set them both on my night stand. I lifted all my clothes out and dumped them into my hamper. I got out little stuff and put them up. I zipped up my suitcase and put it in my closet. I put on pajamas and got into my bed. I checked my phone, and I had a text.

From Riker: "Sleep tight, my babies!"

I blushed at the text. This is why I love him!

To Riker: "I love you so much! Sleep tight!"

I set my phone down and fell asleep.

(a/n- Sorry that I skipped a week. I was sick. I couldn't write anymore after I updated Here Comes Forever. I feel somewhat better this week! Guess who is going to see R5? ME! I know that I told y'all, but I'm deleting that Author Note chapter. I'm going to see them on May 3rd! WOO! Sorry that this chapter is short. It's a filler. Another update this weekend. Love you, minions.)

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