What is going on?

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Jamie's P.O.V.

Ratliff and I leaned in. We kissed. It was better than when Riker kissed me for the first time.

"Wow," I said she. We pulled apart. Ratliff smiled and I blushed.

"That was better than what I've waited three years for!" Riker laughed.

"How was it for you?" Ratliff asked. I didn't want him to know it was better than my first kiss with Riker.

"Really good," I smiled. We kissed another time, this time with Rydel walking in.

"Hey," Rydel said. She wasn't confused by us kissing? We pulled apart and Rydel sat down.

"Ross told me," Rydel said. I nodded,

"I'm going to have to get used to this," she said.

"Crazy morning," Ratliff said. Rydel sighed.

"I missed it all!" she laughed.


Rydel's P.O.V.

I wish I would've woken up about an hour earlier. If we very one was telling everyone how the felt, I would've told Ratliff how I felt and maybe it would be me and him kissing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them. I just can't help but think about what could've been.

"I wish you would've been awake," Jamie said. Me too.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. I guess it would've been nice to talk to someone who could probably put their selves in my shoes," she said. I nodded. Jamie got up and went over to the recliner to lay back.

Riker walked into the room.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry about what happened this morning," Riker said.

"I'm sorry too. I know it's not going to change the situation, but I feel bad,'' Ratliff said.

"Ratliff, I would've done the same thing." Riker said. I walked out of there. I was hungry. I never got to eat my cereal.


Riker's P.O.V.

"Jamie, I understand that you want to work out what you feel. I think I needed this too," I said. Shock came over Jamie's face.

"That's all I really wanted to say. I wanted tension to die down," I said and walked out.


Jamie's P.O.V.

I was surprised that Riker said he needed this break too. I was hurt. Now, I know how he feels. It just Ratliff and I now.

"What are we? Friends? More than that?" Ratliff asked. I didn't know what to answer.

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