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Jamie's P.O.V.

"Wait!" Ratliff called to us. We turned around.

"Yes?" Riker said. Ratliff paused for a second.

"I-I have a gift card for the movies and I won't be going to the movies anytime soon. Want it?" Ratliff asked. Riker shrugged.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Ratliff nodded.

"I will be right back," Ratliff said running upstairs.

"That's nice of him," Riker said to me. I nodded. Shortly after, Ratliff walked downstairs and handed the gift card to Riker.

"Thanks," Riker said. I smiled and Ratliff nodded. We walked out of the door. We got in the car and went to the movies. We got out and walked in. We bought tickets to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. We went into the theater. We watched about 5 movies and got tired of jumping. We walked out of the theater. When we got into the parking lot we jumped into the car. We drove off and went back to Riker's house. We laughed at the movies and the fact that we got away with it.

"Had fun?" Riker asked. We walked into the lounge, where no one was. I nodded and gave him a kiss. He kissed me, wrapping his hands around my waist. We sat on the couch. I leaned back and Riker hovered over. We kissed for what seemed like forever. We heard someone coming, so we stopped. Rocky walked in.

"Hey guys," he said grabbing his guitar and started strumming.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Jamie was telling me she wanted to practice playing guitar," Riker grabbed a spare guitar off a stand.

"Again," I added,"I played when I was younger. I haven't played in years." Riker looked at me, shocked. Rocky looked at me and quit strumming.

"I want to hear this" he smirked. Riker handed me the guitar. I wrapped my hand on the neck of the guitar and set the body of it on my lap. I started strumming cords to see if I remembered.

"Little rusty," I laughed. Rocky looked at the guitar and Rocky looked at me. Rocky said different cords for me to play. I played and then set the guitar beside me.

"That was nice," Rocky said. Riker nodded. Honestly, I was winging it. I did take classes when I was in 3rd grade. Rydel called Rocky to take out the trash, so he left. Riker looked at me.

"I didn't know you played!" he smiled. He still doesn't know I knew who they were when I met them.

"Yeah," I smirked.


Riker's P.O.V.

When I saw Jamie playing the guitar, I fell head over heals. I think its cool for a girl to play guitar. Jamie and I have told each other that we love each other before.

I think I'm in love.

Fallin' For You -R5 fan fictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя