Moonlight and shadows

Start from the beginning

Dan hadn't believed him at first, but when Phil had stepped back into the shadows and literally disappeared, Dan had no choice but to.
"So you're a..."
"A shadow. I am made from moonlight, and therefor only appear within it," Phil explained, then smiled. "I'm sorry I have been following you, I'm sorry if I scared you, I just felt sort of, tethered to you, but I'm not sure why yet. I kind of need to find out. So if it's okay with you, I would like to get to know you," Phil asked.
"Okay." Dan said simply, and that was that.

Every night possible since then they have met up, and gotten closer as friends.

Of course it wasn't a normal friendship, they couldn't exactly go out or play video games together, but it was comfortable for both of them. Just as Phil felt he had been tethered to Dan, Dan was beginning to feel the same about Phil.

Dan always felt this odd sensation whenever he touched Phil, like he was buzzing, attaching to his touch, and it was almost addictive. It made Dan's senses light up and shivers run through his body. It felt delicious.

So tonight, Dan felt even more curious about why Phil's form reacted to him as it did.
"Why does your body, sort of, vibrate?" Dan wondered awkwardly.
"How do you mean?"
Phil asked back, tilting his head slightly in confusion.
"Like, when I touch you it feels like you are buzzing and like you mould to my hand or body slightly, it's almost hard to move away," Dan explained and Phil furrowed his brow.
"I don't know. I didn't know I did that actually, I have never been told that before," Phil said, biting his lip.
"What do you mean 'before'?"
"Rebecca never told me that,"
"Who's Rebecca?"
"She was a friend. Like you,"
"Oh." Dan should have known he hadn't been the first. He felt stupid, insolent, and automatically second best. Maybe he was just a rebound or something.

"Rebecca was sweet, but I didn't feel drawn to her like I am to you," Phil told him, and Dan perked up slightly and looked around at him. "Maybe that's why it only happens around you," Phil suggested and Dan gave him a small smile.
"Maybe." He said, before nudging Phil's arm with his shoulder, feeling the vibrations link to him and making him shiver happily.

"Am I cold? I'm sorry," Phil apologised and Dan shook his head.
"No you're fine, I like the feeling," Dan told him. "And stop apologising, you're a shadow, why bother?"
"Because it's polite of course,"
"Trust you to say something like that,"
"Trust you to find manners stupid," Phil said, raising his eyebrows.
"Ugh." Dan sighed and Phil giggled quietly, his cheeks shining brighter where a blush should have been.

"Dan, erm... I was wondering if I could, you know, hug you?" Phil asked nervously and Dan smiled at him.
"Of course you can," Dan told him and Phil smiled. Dan opened his arms and Phil gently pressed into them, holding Dan close to him and burying his head slightly on his shoulder. His body moulded into Dan's and Dan felt a surge of electricity flow through him, making him almost shiver with pleasure once more.

It was that feeling you sometimes get when someone apparently walks over your grave, but different. A good feeling. You shiver, but your body fills up with feelings and you feel so happy. You giggle and laugh, like a friendly ghost is tickling you. It was like that to Dan holding Phil.

"Oh this is nice," Phil whispered and Dan chuckled.
"Have you not had a hug before?" Dan wondered.
"I have, but it was never like this," Phil told him. Oh.
"Well I am glad I am an excellent hugger." Dan replied as Phil finally pulled away, Dan holding onto his touch as he moved away. His body just felt so alive when he felt Phil against his fingertips.

"Dan?" Phil asked nervously.
"Yes Phil?"
"Can I hug you more often?" Phil asked shyly, ducking his head so his fringe hid his face.
"Only if I can hug you back."

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