"Not long,"I called over the noise of the bike. I decided to use my power of speed here. "Hold on." I revved the bike up and we took off faster than normal. Subaru's arms tightened around me. In less than ten minutes we were in the place I normally met with my contact at. I sighed and turned the bike off. Subaru removed his arms from my waist and I got off the bike. I looked back at him as I walked away. "I'd suggest staying there. He might not be so open to someone new." Subaru got off the bike and followed me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I saw my contact, Hayato Shira, leaning against the wall boredly. 

He looked up and saw me and his face lit up

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He looked up and saw me and his face lit up. 

"Natsumi-chan!"He cheered and ran over to me, stopping halfway when he saw Subaru. His smile faltered. "Who's he?"

"Hello Hayato. A friend. He's fine,"I replied. I crossed my arms and walked over to the wall, leaning against it. Hayato walked over and sat beside me. Subaru came and stood on the other side. I sighed. "What have you got for me?" Hayato hummed. 

"A tracking job. They don't want the guy killed, they want him found and brought to them here,"Hayato told me. I glanced at him and then back up at the sunny sky, watching the clouds. 

"What is he?"I asked. 

"Werewolf,"He told me. I nod. "Appearance: I'm told he has gray hair and red eyes. He's supposedly six feet tall, and he is wearing a dark leather jacket. Last known place: In this town. You'll find him, bring him here, and leave him with me. I've already got the pay and I'll give you your half." I sighed. 

"Do you have anything of his?"I ask. Hayato holds something up and I take it. It's a ring. I nod. "I'll be back soon. Subaru, wait here." I turn and leap up onto a building, and I hear Subaru make a noise of surprise. 

Subaru's POV

As she leapt up onto the nearby building and took off, she left me with this...Hayato character. He watched after her with a look of pure...amazement. I sighed and closed my eyes as I leaned on the wall. I yawned quietly. 

"She's incredible isn't she?"Hayato asked me. I open my eyes and look down at him. He smiles. "Too bad she's so independent. Otherwise she'd be dating me by now." I felt my gaze go cold. He grinned wider. "Relax, Vampire Boy. I think you're more her type anyways." I stared at him. What's that supposed to mean? "So, did she find her sister?"

"Her sister has been staying with us,"I answered. He nodded. 

"So then I take it Natsumi is staying with you as well?"Hayato asked. I felt myself grow annoyed. 

"That's none of your concern,"I growled. He chuckled suddenly.

"Again, relax. My intentions towards Natsumi are completely pure at this moment. I haven't imprinted on her,"Hayato told me. I frowned. Imprinted? He's a werewolf? No wonder I hate the guy just by looking at him. What a joke. As I thought this I felt a sense of relief flow up in me. He hasn't imprinted...which means he won't try to steal her away. I suddenly mentally scoffed at myself. What do you mean "steal her away?" She's not yours. It's not like you want her that way either....is it? 

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