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Natsumi's POV

After the incident of me passing out, Yui told me she wanted to talk to me. The other vampires left, and Yui and I now sat on my bed. 

"So...Natsumi I want you to know,"Yui began. I gazed at her. "I didn't really mean it..." She looked down. "When I insulted you, I mean. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry....I didn't know how to apologize, so I delayed it.."I flicked her on the forehead. She flinched and touched it. "Ah-what was that for!?" I grinned at her. 

"Apology accepted, sis,"I replied. I smiled. "You should really be getting to bed. I've got somewhere to go." Yui stared at me. "What?"

"Your eyes turned normal,"Yui replied. I rose an eyebrow.

"So?"I said. She smiled softly. 

"Alright. Well, goodnight,"Yui said. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around me in a hug and then disappeared. I sighed and grabbed my phone. 8:05 am. I frowned. I stood up and pulled my hunting clothes on and then my hoodie, stuffing the phone into my pocket. I walked over to the door and grabbed my boots, pulling them on. I went to my bag and unzipped it, pulling out my knife and it's sheath. I stuck them in my boot and dug around until I found my small pistol. I stuffed it into my hoodie pocket. I opened the door and flinched back to find Subaru standing there. He gazed down at me. 

"Where are you going?"He asked. I tilted my head to the side. 

"Why does it matter?"I asked him. He stared at me instead of answering. I sighed. "I'm going to go see my contact." I gently brushed past him and just before I got completely down the hallway, someone was grabbing my wrist and stopping me. I turned and saw Subaru. I looked down at his hand grabbing mine. I felt warmth from him...even though he's supposed to be cold. I looked up at his face. "Let go."Subaru kept his gaze with me and tightened his grip. 

"No,"He replied. I frowned. 

"Either let go or I will drag you along, I've got to go,"I told him. He didn't let go and I sighed. I turned and started walking, dragging him with me. I got to the front entrance hall and heard chuckling. When I looked around I spotted Laito. 

"Ah...Subaru, you've attached yourself to Kitten,"Laito spoke, grinning. Subaru scoffed, and this time it was him dragging me out the door. I frowned. Subaru yawned. I glanced at him. 

"It's daylight. You're tired. Go sleep,"I sighed. Subaru gazed at me. 

"You don't tell me what to do,"He replied. I sighed. He released my wrist. "If you go, I'm going to follow you."

"Fine, I don't really care,"I replied. I turned and walked off. 

"Are you planning on walking the entire way?"He asks me. I turn and look at him suddenly grinning. 

" would be where you'd find out a special power of mine. Watch and be amazed,"I answered. I looked up towards the sky and snapped my fingers. Something slowly could be seen after a bit as it slowly descended from the sky. 

"What are you-"I held up a hand to interrupt him. It was then that my motorcycle lowered itself to the ground. Subaru gaped. I grinned. 

"Say hello to demon rider,"I spoke. I climbed onto the bike. Subaru stared at me. "If you're coming I suggest you get on." He sighed and climbed on behind me. 

"Shouldn't this be the other way around?"He muttered. His arms took their place around my waist and I sucked in a breath. I turned the bike on and peeled off. I sighed. "Hey, how long will this take us?" He whispered it in my ear and I almost flinched and moved the bike. It sent warm chills down my spine. I sighed. Man, I really must be falling for him then. 

Beautiful Summer(Subaru x OC)[COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu