Chapter 61

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Giselle's POV 

"Alright Giselle, you're all set!" Dr. Rothchild says. 

"Thank you! I'm so glad I don't have to carry that cast around!" 

Anne had taken me to the doctors to finally take the cast off my arm. Niall was here too, but he was waiting in the waiting room. 

"Would you like to keep it?" He asked. I'm not sure how I feel about that. But then again it did go through some pretty tough times and people had written very lovely get well soon notes on there with Sharpie. I rolled my eyes and laughed. 

"Give me it." Dr. Rothchild chuckled and handed the cast over to me after he had cleaned it up. "Thank you," I said to Mr. Rothchild, but I meant it more than he probably thought I did. He was there to heal my gunshot wounds and all so you could say I feel very grateful for him. 

"Anytime," he replied with a knowing smile. "Just don't hurt anymore. I'm starting to see you around more than I'm supposed to." I laugh at that. 

Anne and I collect our things and head out the door. Mr. Rothchild gives us a small wave and yells "I'll see you in like two weeks or so! That is, if you get hurt again!" I bit back a laugh and wave back. 

Niall is waiting for us and as soon as he sees me he shoots up from his seat. He grabs my arm and analyzes it. 

"S'all good?" He asks, twisting my arms in ways I didn't know I could twist before. 

"Good as new!" I give him a toothy grin. He smiles back and then head down to the lobby. Anne hasn't spoken a word to us. The only time she spoke was to Mr. Rothchild and that was a while ago. I knew something was up and I wanted to know so bad, but how could I bring it up? Hey Anne, what's up with you lately? No. How about... Why are you so down in the dumps? Oh God no, that's worse! I can't think of any way that I can bring up the topic without sounding too forward. 

The drive was slow and quiet. I tried to make conversation with Anne, but she would only give me vague replies. I was laying down on my bed with Niall on my side checking his phone for who knows what. I'm still trying to put the puzzle pieces together about Anne being so quiet lately, but it seems like all the puzzle pieces have the same shape and can't be put together. What could it be? What could it be that's bothering her so damn much?

"You're brains going to explode if you keep thinking that hard," Niall spoke up, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I laughed nervously, but even then I can feel my smile falter into a frown. Niall's smile soon feel too and he looked concerned. "What's wrong?" I sighed and looked away from him. I grabbed his hand and started to play with his fingers, not wanting to make eye contact with him just yet. 

"Have you noticed a change in Anne's behavior lately?" I asked, still playing with his long fingers. I locked my fingers with his and rubbed my thumb against his. He nodded slowly. 

"Yes, but I thought her monthly visit came so I just shrugged it off," he mumbled. I stopped playing with his fingers and finally looked up to him with an amused look on my face. "What?" My smile appeared once again. 

"Really, Niall? Monthly visit?" I asked between laughs. He shrugged. 

"Well what else am I supposed to think?" Niall defended. I sighed and looked down at our entwined hands. Niall gave me a small squeeze which I returned. 

"I don't know. I just think that she's not her funny and charismatic self anymore. Like if all the life in her was drained out," I whisper. Niall scoots in closer to my body and nuzzles his head in my neck. "Even Harry has noticed it. He says that he doesn't even feel like a family anymore." Niall just keeps silent. He's the one fiddling with our fingers now. "Do... do you think it's because of the adoption?" I ask, worried that it might be because Anne regrets adopting us in the first place. Niall's head snaps up and he turns to look at me.

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