Chapter 32

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Giselle's POV

It's been almost a week since I went to the hospital and had that fight with Niall. Officer Brumley told me that I would be signing the papers for the adoption today since I didn't sign them last week. I haven't spoken to Niall ever since the fight at the dinner party. No one has dared to speak up about it. Zayn has been taking care of me and helping me around since I can't do most things because of my arm. For example, I can't cut vegetables that are needed for the soup that I'm planning to make tonight.  He also helps me take showers. Of course, he doesn't see me, but he helps me get in the shower while my body is wrapped around my body. He's been such a sweetheart about all of this. I really do enjoy his company and support. 

"Will you let me sign your cast?" Zayn says, waving a Sharpie marker in his hand.

"Oh! Me too, please!" Izzy says, jumping off the couch. I groan loudly, throwing my head back.

"Fine," I mumble, rolling my eyes at them.

"Yes!" They both celebrate. Zayn quickly takes off the lid and sticks it to the end of the marker. He gets on his knees and holds my cast firmly. He scribbles for about a minute then finally lets go of my arm

"Voila!" He says, standing up and throwing his arms in the air. I giggle at his stupidness and turn my arm over so I could see what he wrote. In black ink reads: Sorry about the incident. I didn't mean to come out as a rapist. Get well soon babe! (: xx -Zaynie

"Thanks rapist," I giggle.

"No problem!" Zayn says, winking at me. I stifle a laugh and then hand Izzy the marker so that he would write something on my cast. He eagerly takes the marker and starts writing on my cast. He sticks out his tongue in concentration as he writes. He closes the marker with the cap and then smiles. I look at what he wrote and it read: Hope those bones heal soon sis! Drink lots and lots of milk to get those bones strong and healthy! I love you :) -Izzy

"Thanks bud," I say, kissing Izzy's head. "Well, I better go downstairs and talk to Officer Brumley. Zayn? Can you help Izzy start packing all of his clothes?" I ask. He nods. I pass him Izzy's suitcase and grab my room key before I close the door behind me.

"Okay Ms. Torres, sign here, here, and here," Officer Brumley says, pointing to the x's with his pen. I quickly grab the pen and carefully sign the papers. "Okey dokey! Everything's set!" He says, stacking the papers and straightening them by tapping them on the desk. I slowly nod.

"So we get to meet our foster family tomorrow in the morning?" I say, gulping slightly at the thought of a new family. 

"Yes, be ready by 10 a.m." He says, I nod and then head out of his office and get back to my room.

I need to get packing.

-----------------------(Hours later)------------------------------

The room looks empty. I'm going to miss it here. I mean, not only did I have my own bed, but I had my own kitchen, TV, room, couch. I think the thing I'm going to miss most is the balcony. That was my only escape. I wonder if there will be any other escapes that I might be able to discover at my new home. I sure hope so. I don't want to go the thing that was once my "escape." I don't want to go back to slitting my wrists. I'm better than that. I know it.

"Alright! We're done packing! What should we do now?" Zayn says, wiping his hands on his jeans then sticking his hands in his pockets. 

"I don't know?" I shrug.

"Aw c'mon! It's your last day here! Name at lease one thing you wanted to do around here!" He says, raising his eyebrows at me and then crossing his arms.

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