Chapter 13

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It was two minutes to five am and I was wondering if I should press the buzzer or wait another minute, after all I didn't want Pa to hate me even more then he already did. There was a cool chill to the air but nothing too bad as I was dressed in casual sweats, a tank top and light jacket. My birthday was in a few more weeks. I couldn't believe it. Twenty didn't seem old enough considering how I felt.

"Early, I like that in a person," Mike said coming up behind me. "Though you should be careful at this hour, I could've been a burglar or someone worse."

"I'll remember that from now on, I guess I'm just excited."

He smiled, handing me some gym stuff. "Here take this. Oh, by the way, our insurance won't allow us to train you until you've gotten a medical certificate clearing you of any health issues. I talked to our doctor and he couldn't fit you in right away so you're gonna have to wait a few weeks. If you like I'll pay you the difference," he said, unlocking the door.

"That's fine, would it be ok if I observed some of your sessions then?" I asked only slightly disappointed.

"It doesn't bother me, though I'll still make up the difference until you can train with us."

Mike led me inside, showing me where the small kitchenette was. "We like to have coffee and tea available at all times along with either apple or orange juice. If members want something else they can buy it across the road. It's your job to make sure there is coffee for the morning people and that the fridge is stocked."

"Ok I can do that." I smiled.

"Ok after that you need to pull the mats out, make sure there are towels folded in the cabinet which was beside the lockers. In an evening you'll need to scrub the floor and change rooms down. We need fresh towels always for the next day and keep the fridge stocked." Mike said rattling off a ton of chores.

I went about my morning getting the tasks I had been assigned done. By 6am people had already started filing in. I wasn't bothered too much by many of the guys. A few of them made an odd rude comment but most just went about their business either choosing to ignore me or thinking I was nothing more than a cleaner. Pa was showing a group of men different take down techniques, which I found interesting to watch. The gym was split into three different areas. There was the sparring area, where man went up against one another in an effort to use their training. There was the workout area, housing various tools to help stay in peak physical condition. Lastly, there was the training area, where mentors showed different techniques for their students to learn.

I had finished my work about an hour ago but was still filtering around trying to look busy. Pa hadn't noticed yet that I had been sweeping the same rough area for about twenty minutes. I watched as the fifty year old flipped the guy he was teaching with ease, taking the younger man to the mat until he tapped out. Pa had style and skill. His fighting style, clean and precise for a man of his age.

"You know you're free to go," Mike said walking out his office in training gear. "Can I ask you something?"


"Do you think your insurance people would be mad if I just used the treadmill? I would run outside but I'm new here and well, as you said this morning you could've been anyone dangerous."

"Hold off until everyone leaves and then you can use it. We normally shut for an hour at lunch anyway." He smiled before turning back to me. "Hey you're not in any kind of trouble, are you? I like you and you're a good worker but I don't need bullshit dirtying my floors. If you got issues with police or something let me know and I'll pay you for the week as long as you never step foot in here again."

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