Chapter 8

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(Boys POV)

"You said you'd find her but so far no one has been able to. What are you doing to ensure that she is found?" Jude could hear Michael's voice echo through the walls of Lilly's house.

Months had passed by and Jude had found himself growing increasingly more comfortable around the Fallen. He wouldn't have called Cayn a friend but Cayn was no longer on Jude's to kill list for the moment. In fact, now that they had a common goal, Jude was finding it amusing to play pranks on the Fallen.

Cayn had locked Jude in a room while the meeting was taking place. Apparently it was a necessity to keep Michael from working out their plan, yet left Jude where he could still hear. Michael was agitated; Lilly was in such deep hiding that it would seem no one would be able to find her.

"What is your plan Cayn?" Michael roared. Cayn was clearly not giving him the answers he was looking for. Jude had an uneasy respect for the demon. He was still unsure whether or not he could trust him, but as far as he had seen Cayn wanted no harm to come to Lilly and that was the main thing. Paige strolled in as the house rattled, it seemed that Michael was getting nowhere with Cayn. Jude stifled a laugh.

"Enjoying the show Cursed one?" Paige asked her tone lighthearted.

"Michael sounds thrilled with Cayn's plan." Jude answered as Paige tossed him a bagel.

"Oh yes, there is nothing better than watching originals toss their power all over the place with empty threats. They both know they can't kill each other but it doesn't stop the power plays. It's worse than a pair of brides at an exclusive designer bridal sale'."

"Oh and have you been to many of those?" Jude teased.

Paige smirked. "Who do you think creates those little monsters."

"No way. You're kidding me, right?" Jude gave a little cough to stop from choking.

"You're a... Jealousy Demon, you can't... really..."
Paige cut him off. "No need to speak that name and yes, I am."

Jude let out a laugh, he couldn't believe it, sitting across from him was one of the demons the Cursed wanted to rid the world of most. Demons of jealousy were by far one of the most deadly; creating havoc among the humans which far surpassed other demons. She was a third hierarchy demon; that meant she had some power behind her. He knew speaking her true name was a problem as he was not another demon or one willing to invoke them. People, humans, they often invoked a demon by using true names thinking it would give them power, but a demon's power always came at a cost. Most demons needed a body. Only an original could walk free without a body. The thought stuck Jude like a shot of lightning.

"Paige that isn't your body is it?" Jude asked earning himself an evil glare.

"It is my body," she snapped. "Until I am sent back down there, it is mine." She hissed, clearly unhappy.

"I wasn't trying to be rude, I just didn't realize." He stopped short, unsure how to word his sentence. There was not a lot he could say without pissing Paige off further. There was a loud bang, which brought Jude back to reality.

"Oh wonderful. We need a new back door now, fantastic. Those Order of the Light freaks need to learn to use doors. Would it hurt them to be more human and less assholes." Paige threw her hands up as if she were going to have to hand carve a new door herself. Her cheeks were slightly flushed with anger and a strand of hair had Fallen into her eyes. Jude thought it was weird; she was always so well put together. He noticed the designer skinny jeans and royal blue blouse with short sleeves looked kind of cute.

"What are you smirking at Cursed one?" she asked refocusing her anger on something more tangible.

"Oh... nothing." He laughed for the first time in a while. Cayn choose that moment waltz in not quite happy but not in a bad mood either.

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