Chapter 3

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The sun was up high in the sky and yet I was cold; after living so long in Devil's Canyon, I wasn't used to being cold. It had been over a year since I had felt the effects of autumn. I missed the sun and its warmth. Sitting back onto the bed there was a tiny sense of panic deep inside the pit of my stomach. Or maybe it was the fact that I had eaten everything from the minibar as was now hungry. For the first time since arriving I had thought about leaving the safety of this room in search of a proper meal. So you can imagine my surprise when I worked out that the door was locked and the windows had been nailed shut, with bars placed on the outside. I was beginning to suspect that maybe I was more like a prisoner more then a rescued victim. Could my life possible get any worse?

As if I had set the world a challenge, the door flung open, I turned, wiping away my tears, watching the man I had thought my hero stand there in the door way. I could tell cuz he was still dress in his riding leathers. I wasn't sure what he wanted from me. Was he my enemy or my friend? I had a feeling it was closer to the former then I would hope for.

The stranger no longer had his helmet on. The dim lighting made it hard for me to make out his facial features as he stood in the shadows, using them to his advantage. He wanted to stay hidden. My instincts warned me not to trust him. I was angry for being locked up and forgotten these past few days.

"Well that was a big entrance for someone who is just going to stand and stare at me," I say sarcastically, crossing my arms. He takes three steps forward and slams the door shut again. This wasn't going to be fun.

"So you have my attention, now what are you doing in my room?" I mock.

"It is my room." His voice's strong depth would make any person quiver in their boots. It demanded respect and carried a hint of danger to it. However I was over quivering and playing nice.

"Fine then I shall leave, even though you're the one who dumped me here days ago." My plan was to walk right out the door even though I knew he wouldn't let me.

As if on cue he moved blocking the door. "You will not leave." He pointed to the chair in the corner of the room. "Now sit!"

"Don't boss me around. I can do what I want. I'm not some slave for you to boss around just because you saved me. I don't remember asking you to whisk me away just so I could end up in another cage."

"Cage, you think this is a cage?"

"Are you an animal?" he quipped.

"What else do you call a place that keeps living things from escaping?"

"A cage normally doesn't have bathroom." He pointed to where it lay. "You should be gracious after all I have done for you."

"Oh mister, you got no idea what I've been through. Gracious?" I spat out the word. My body shook with anger. "I don't have to stay here and listen to this." I began to move towards the door once more. He moved, blocking me. Now that I was closer it was easier to make out his features. His face was angular almost rectangular but not quite, he had lush, shoulder length, golden blond hair and a nice solid athletic build. In those tight leather riding pants and jacket, well he looked good.

"You will do as I say and do it now. You don't want to push me Lilly. I'm not the kind of person to make idle threats." I glared at him in defiance, silently goading him to do something. Those bright blue eyes of his gleamed knowingly. Just who the hell did he think he was?

"Make me." I pushed. 

His face-hardened. "Last warning. Now sit down, we need to talk."

"Umm...No, I don't feel like talking." I snickered looking straight into those baby blues. He thought he was so tough... well I could give him a run for his money. I was over being told want to do by others. For all I knew this guy was just some lackey the Order had picked to watch me. I was not afraid of him, I thought giving him my sweetest, sarcastic smile I could muster.

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