Transformers the last knight "Megatron's Crew"

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Megatron walks up to the humans.
"Do I know you....human...?
I want my crew..." Megatron said.
"Gimme names!" Lennox yelled
Lennox turn around and ask "Mohawk?"
"What up fellas! Man! I want to kill y'all right now HA HA ha!" Mohawk said/laughs and points to the humans
"But! I'ma kill you later.Definitely gonna kill you mofos later" he continues laughing crazy.
The humans on the computers nodded saying that he's ok. The man with glasses yells out "He's cleared!" Lennox turns to face Megatron "alright" he said
"Dreadbot" Megatron said next.
"Dreadbot, in for bank robbery" she wasn't sure if this bot was right so she listed the things he did "murder, double murder, triple murder nine dead, didn't even take the money. No!" The women said. The man with the glasses replied "no. Not letting him" Hearing this answer Megatron roars hitting his weapon to the ground. The humans jump of his actions getting scared. "What?!" Megatron ask.
The man then said that they could
Maybe let him go if he wears a GPS tracker then he's fine. Megatron continues on listing his crew "Nitro Zeus"
"Baby! Free at last, thank megatron I'm free at last!' Nitro Zeus said dancing his way out.

"Thank you! gonna miss you Tim" nitro point at a human and stands up straight "thank you for your hospitality!" he then turns to face another human and said, "I know where you live Enrique say hello to your wife for me." Nitro said laughing his way out.


"and..... last but not least.....berserker." a cybertronian was strapped up and was struggling and growling out loud and when his mouthpiece was removed he yelled out "I' LL SUCK YOUR BRAINS!" The humans did not like who Megatron pick and said no way. Lennox told Megatron to choose someone else.

"onslaught..." Megatron said, a big green bot bend down and yelled out "you need a bigger door!"

the humans were about to get up and leave when Megatron stop them "WAIT! I still need/want one more crew member." he growls. "yeah? name?" Lennox asks. Megatron just smirks and purrs out "(Y/n)~"


(Y/n) was beyond happy walking down the halls hands on her/his waist walking very proud being chosen by Megatron to be part of his crew. she/he was escorted out to get her/his things. "well boys~ it was nice while it lasted" (Y/n) said walking out but turning around to blow a kiss to the humans and walking off laughing like a true Decepticon she/he was. what (Y/n) didn't see that the humans did pretend to catch her/his kiss that she/he blew to them. To them, you were one hell of a Cybertronian.

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