Chapter 2

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All Gold Everything: Chapter 2

*Aaliyah P.O.V.*

I was now in Gov't and I didn't have Cindy or any of the guys in this class, which sucked so much.

Lunch was really funny, the guys were cracking jokes and messing with each other. Tyga and I had our out bursts towards each other which wasn't anything new.

Much like my math class, There was a seating chart. I rolled my eyes when I saw I was in the very front row, dead center.

I walked up to my seat and it looked like my partner was going to be this girl who I'd seen in the halls from time to time.

"Hey." I said as I took my seat.

"Hey girl wassup?" She asked as she had a lolly pop in her mouth. She looked like she was Asian - Mixed and had blonde hair much like me.

"Not much, you? I'm Aaliyah by the way."

"Chillin over here. I'm Honey." She said with a warm smile. She clearly had grill and it looked pretty cool.

"Nice grill."

"Thanks. So are you new or?" She rose an eyebrow.

"Nah, I've been here since first day of freshmen year." It just came to me; How the fuck haven't I met these people before ? Was my ass seriously that blind ?

"That's chill, I'm usually off campus anyways. Too many thirsty bitches at this school with all their drama. I don't have the time for that shit." She said with a laugh.

"You couldn't be anymore right. So do you know Chris, Tyga, Trey-"

"Bow Wow and August? Yup I know them all too well." She said with a smile. "Do you?"

"I just met them today. They seem pretty chill so far."

"Well Tyga is a hard headed piece of shit who thinks he runs shit. Chris is just out to look for a good time. Trey is the little heart throb that breaks hearts. August is the soft hearted lil romantic kid and Bow is the chilled one who would rather sit back than get involved in the action." That actually sounds about right based on how lunch was earlier.

"How long have you known them for?"

"A couple years so I'm real close with em."

So class was really boring aside from Honey. She was really sweet but she could really talk shit if you gave her the opportunity, which is what I liked about her. I asked her to come hang with us but she couldn't come, I was a little sad about that but there is always next time.

"Aye girl, where's your friend?" August said as he wrapped his around me as we were walking out to the parking lot.

"I have no idea where she is. She should be on her way here." I said as I hopped onto the hood of his black camaro. After a few minutes I saw Bow and Cindy walking towards us. They were both laughing histarically to the point where I could probably have heard them clear across the parking lot.

"Aye man, where's everybody else at?" August asked as he dapped Bow. Cindy came and sat right next to me.

"Trey got detention for mouthing off in Art." Bow said with a laugh. Well I guess those 3 had art together. Lucky Cindy.

"Yeah so he won't be coming over till after Detention. Tyga and Chris were already heading back to Chris' crib." Cindy said as she blushed.

"Well then lets go already. Trey'll just show up as soon as his ass gets out. You girls gon' follow ?" August said as he pulled out his keys and hopped in. Cindy and I hopped off the car.

"Yeah we'll meet you there." I said before Cindy and I started walking back to my car. "So how was art?"

"So much fun! Trey kept messing with my hair and writing "i luv u" all over my paper."

"That's mad cute, I met a girl named Honey today. You're gon' love her when you meet her." I said as I pulled out of the parking lot and followed right behind August.

"Bow mentioned something about a girl named Honey to Trey. As long as she's chill, there won't be any problems." Cindy laughed before she went right to texting on her phone.

*Tyga P.O.V.*

"So wha'd ya think of Aaliyah and Cindy?" Chris asked once we got back to his crib.

"Cindy's a cutie but Aaliyah, she got attitude for days man." I laughed as I lounged on his couch.

"She got attitude with you cause you front too much. Shit I like her, she can stand her own."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"You like her huh bruh?"

"Nigga this ain't second grade. Nah I ont like her, she's got too much sass for me." Well its true she does. If she put that all away then maybe I might like her.

"Bullshit. Aight keep thinkin what the fuck you want but I already know wassup." He said as he walked off to the kitchen. Since I got alone time, I'll explain myself a little bit.

I'm Michael Stevenson but I go by Tyga. I'm 17 and living fast. I got a love for music, rap in particular so naturally I have a couple songs that I've written up. Chris over there likes music too so sometimes we work together on music but we don't really plan on goin' big. Matter of fact all of us are into music which is why we're all good friends since we share the same passion. My Dad up and left a while back so I don't even remember his ass, its cool though.

The door swung open and in walked the girls followed by Bow and August.

"Where's Trey at?" I asked.

"His ass got detention on the first day cause of his mouth." Cindy said as she sat on the arm chair. Aaliyah walked by me and I took the opportunity to grab her arm and pull her onto my lap.

"You best let me go before I punch you." She snapped at me.

"Gon' ahead. I don't give a shit." I laughed and she simply rolled her eyes before turning her attention away. "Yeah that's what I thought girl."

"Nigga shut that shit up."

"Already starting ? It hasn't even been 10 minutes and already I can hear y'alls married couple asses from my kitchen." Chris said as he sat on the arm rest of the chair Cindy was in.

"Chris you can shut up too." Aaliyah said with a laugh.

"Come make me then, I can think of many ways on how you could physically make me hush up." He said as he bit his lip.

"This fool. She ont want you like that Breezy, you know she wants Tyga wonton ass." August said before I quickly mugged him.

"Shit, at least I got females wanting me." I said.

"That's not what yo Mama told me last night." Everyone in the room erupted with laughter. "Yee don't try me Tyga."

"I'll let you have that one." I'm surprised Aaliyah didn't notice I had my arm wrapped around her waist. If she was aware of it she sure wasn't tryin' to remove my arm.

"Y'all are so fuckin dumb I swear." She said as she was trying to hide her laughter.


As soon as Trey's ass showed up, it was a true kick back. We all smoked a lil, not as much to satisfy me since we all needed to drive home but it was still chill.

These girls fit right into the crew, they were laughing at everything that came out of our mouths and I'm not gon' lie, they're just as funny as the rest of us.

"Imma split y'all." I said as I yawned. We were out back in Chris' back yard sitting around the fire pit.

"Yeah I agree, come on Cindy." Aaliyah said as she stood up, dragging Cindy out of August's lap.

"We'll see y'all tomorrow." I said as I walked around the corner that lead to the side gate. I went to grab my keys from my pocket but that's when I remembered Chris picked me up today. "Aye Aaliyah can I get a ride?" I asked as she walked passed me with her curls boucin' with every step she took.

"The big bad Tyga needs a ride huh?" She asked as she looked at me with a devious smirk.

"Chris brought my ass here. My car's in the shop hun, so don't trip." She nodded her head so I just followed her towards her car and hopped in the front.

"Tyga get yo ass back there. That spot is reserved for bad bitches only." Aaliyah said once she hopped in.

"Bitch whatever, just drive."

"I ain't startin' this car till that ass finds its way to the back so my bottom bitch can have her spot."

"You're hella dumb Aaliyah." I rolled my eyes and hopped in the back. That was some ol' bullshit right there.

We ended up dropping Cindy off first and the car was silent.

"Where do you live?" She asked breaking the silence.

"Keep goin' straight till you get to the lights then turn left." I said as I was nose deep in my phone.

It was a lil awkward but I ignored it. I shifted my gaze periodically to sneak a peek and everytime she would catch me.

"Take a damn picture, it'll last way longer than your memory since you seem to forget what I look like."

"Aight smartass."

"Just sayin'"

"Nah you say too much. Just pull up here." I said as we came up near my house. "Thanks for the ride." I said before hopping out of the car.

"Yeah yeah, see ya Tyga." I closed the door and walked up the drive till I got to the door. "Mama ! I'm home !" I yelled after I walked inside.

"Hi Michael, are you hungry?"

"Starvin' " I laughed. I had a lil bit of the munchies. "What chu cookin?"

"Stay out of the kitchen. You ont belong here." She joked as she walked over to the sink.

"Nah I belong here. This is where I come to get the good shit." My Mama and I were mad close, which was what I loved.

"You have this kitchen memorized down to the T." That ain't no lie.

"When the food's ready call me down, Imma get changed." She nodded her head and I jogged up the stairs to my room. I grabbed a pair of sweats and slipped them on. I slipped off my shirt and decided not to bother with putting another one on.

I chilled on my bed still I heard my Mama call me down for the food.

*The Next Day*
*Aaliyah P.O.V*

"Aaliyah wake up, you're gonna really be late for school now." I heard Carter's voice echo.

I sat up and saw I overslept. Fuck.

I quick got out of bed and grabbed a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt that said "L.A." In bold white letters. I slipped on my white bunny slippers and laughed at my outfit.

As for my hair, I just braided it to the side and put on a beanie. I guess I'm going ghetto as fuck to school today. Oh well.

"Bye Mama ! I'll see you later !" I yelled as I walked down the stairs.

"You're going to school like that ? Aaliyah at least wear different shoes." She laughed when she looked me over.

"I have no time Mama, bye !" I closed the door and shuffled out to my car.


"Say one word about my outfit and I'll cut you." I said as I walked up to Trey who had just pulled up.

"I was gon' say lovin' them slippers, but fuck it now. I'm takin my compliment back." He said in a fake hurt tone. "You know, Imma need some TLC to heal the pain."

"You're not gettin' it from me." "Well shit, where's Trey gonna get some TLC then? I'll find Cindy, I know she'll give me a hug."

"You're such a lil baby, damn." I laughed at his facial expression.

"Well fuck you too. I see Ty rollin up. He don't look too happy." I followed his gaze and watched as Tyga slammed the door to his car and storm off into the main hall. "I'd hate the be the cause of his anger right now."

"Wonder what his problem is." I said before Trey and I started walking towards the main hall.

"He probably just in a weird mood, let it go. He'll be straight after his tantrum." I find it so funny how Trey is talking like Tyga's this little 6 year old.

"Trey we need to talk." Some girl said as she grabbed Trey's hand.

"Aight, aye I'll meet up with y'all at break." I nodded my head and continued to walk onward. I spotted Tyga at his locker and I decided to just be nice and say hi.

"Hi Tyga." I said as I walked up to him.

"Not now. Just go." He snapped back at me.

"Whatever your problem is, you dont needa act on it towards me, I was just bein nice-"

"Aight shit. I get it. Hi to you too, now get gone." He said as he slammed his locker.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled in his face.

"Back up. Aaliyah I ain't even playin."

"Nah, I'm not about to be disrespected. Eapecially by you. I was just tryin' to be nice. But fuck you." I get he's mad but I just wanted to say Hi, since we are friends, aren't we? Like shit, he needs anger management or some shit.

"Hey Aaliyah." Honey said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey Honey." I said still kind of irritated from Tyga and his attitude.

"Whats wrong?"

"Its nothin' just Tyga in a pissy mood."

"Let him do him. I'll straighten his ass out in fourth if need be." She laughed, as she looked passed me. "Oooh he in a real bad mood today. But seriously just ignore it and his mood'll change." She shrugged her shoulders.

"He doesn't need to lash out though."

"That's just how he is, ain't nothin' you can do about it." The bell rang and I was dreading going to fourth. I had English and I can't stand that class. I know everything that I need to know in English, why the fuck I gotta still take it?

"Alright, well I guess I'll see you around Honey." I smiled at her before walking off to my class.

*August P.O.V.*

"Oh you know she's a thot." Bow said as we were walking to class.

"Ain't no doubt. Nah Bow, now she over there is a thot." I laughed as we were pointing out thots in the hall.

"Too many of em. Can never show them love or they'll be addicted to ya." Bow said as he shook his head.

"You know who's really a thot?" I asked.


"Chris. Hands down." Bow went wild with laughter. "No lie man." I saw Chris kissin up on some shawty outside a classroom. "See what I mean, then he gon' go crawling over to Jasmine and get a kiss from her, just like last year."

"Fuckin' thot. Damn, nah he just bein Chris. Since Chris a thot, what does that make Trey?"

"That makes Trey a high class whore without a doubt." I laughed as we walked into class. "Like the kind that won't admit to being a whore. He'll be like "i'm only spreading the love" but he's spreading it the wrong way." We took our seats and waited for the final bell to ring.

"How the fuck we even get into the conversation?" He asked.

"We were talking about that one chick we overheard in zero. How she was talkin about givin' head to someone and then is escalated into what type of whore Trey would be." I shrugged my shoulders.

*A Lil' While later*

"Oh my God this class is so fuckin boring." I said as I dropped my head on my desk. "Check this. Its only been 10 minutes."

"Oh sweet damn, the fuck ? There's no way it was only 10 minutes." What kind of shit is this?

"August. Would I lie about the time? I shit you not, its only been 10 minutes." Bow said with a roaring laugh.

"Fuck this class, I'm gon' find somethin' else to do cause there's no way its been only 10 minutes." I grabbed my binder and chucked up the deuces before leaving the classroom.

So lets see what kind of shit I'll find in these halls since I got 90 minutes to spare.

*Chris P.O.V.*

Luckily for me I also had math with Cindy. This was my second chance to get her shy ass to open up. Cause even at my crib she still managed to be shy.

"Mornin' Ma" I said as I sat right next to her.


"Aight, you needa quit bein shy. You needa get turnt up like me so we can have a good time cause I know I could hear you clear across campus." She looked up at me and blushed but nodded her head.

"Well its just you're so cute so it makes me kind of shy." She said quietly.

"You bein' shy makes you hella cute but you gotta put it away since you're rollin with me n' my clique."

"Who said I was rollin with your ass?"

"I did, so that means you are." I thought that was mad chill she was shy cause she thought I was cute. I got the hots for her but I seen her so much with August it makes me think otherwise.

"Aight that's fine by me." She laughed as she turned to face me.

"So when can I get those digits?" I asked as I rose an eyebrow.

"Right now." She grabbed my phone off my desk. "What's your password?"

"Why the fuck would I tell you my password, give me my shit." She rolled her eyes but handed it over. "Here."

"Its under Cindyloo since I see you have another Cindy there." That other Cindy was just a hoe, she wasn't important.

"That's coo with me." I sat back in my chair and basically zoned out for the remainder of class.

I had some good feelings towards Cindy, we'll just have to wait and see how things go from here.

*Honey P.O.V.*

"The fucks' your problem now?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"Nothin Honey-"

"Bullshit. Tell me or I'll beat the shit out of you."

"Aight fine, I'm only tellin' you cause I know you'd actually kick my ass. But this mornin' I was makin' a deal right ? Well the bitch ass skipped out on my money so now I'm down by $600. You know I like my money."

"Oh my God Ty. Find him and beat his ass. Simple as that, you're trippin' for nothin'. Your bad mood put Aaliyah in a bad mood." Him and his damn deals. He has enough green as it is.

"Nah that's my money the bitch ass was toyin' with. I ont care if she in a bad mood. She usually got an attitude anyways."

"You better apologize to her for bein' a dumbass or you better start counting your blessings."

"Whatever Honey. Aaliyah'll be fine."

"You and your not caring ass better do it. She just tryin' to be nice."

"Fine shit. Can we just drop it?" I saw him look down at his phone and saw his facial expression changed.

"What's wrong now?" I asked annoyed. Its always something with this boy.

"My girls' basically bitching at me for cheating on her with her friend. Wasn't my fault her friend was lookin' so good." He said with a laugh.

"Who's your girl now?"


"So you're with a hoe?"

"I was with her before she was a hoe. Then we split up and now we're together again."

"You guys can be so disgusting sometimes. Like for real though."

"Its whatever. I'm probably gonna split from her anyways. She's real annoying, you feel?" No I don't because I don't date hoes.

"What about Aaliyah? Would you ever date her?" He stopped texting and looked up at me.

"Eh, I could see myself dating her but I ont think it would last long since we argue over dumb shit." I simply nodded my head and let him continue texting his hoe.

I think Aaliyah and Ty would be so cute together.

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