
*Next Day*

"Well, I think Draco Malfoy was actually someone who was misunderstood," I state as my friends, Rebecca and Alex, and I sit at a table in a small cafe.

"Why wouldn't you think that!? He should've gone to Azkaban in the last deathly hallows! FOR GODS SAKE! HE WAS A DEATH EATER!" Alex stated.

"He didn't really have a choice. He grew up with his parents being death eaters and his father pushing him to be exactly like him and to carry on the Malfoy name and carry on the Malfoy family faith in Voldemort. Also, you can tell that Draco didn't want any part in becoming a death eater but he doesn't want to disappoint his father and, I don't know, get KILLED by the dark lord! " Rebecca replies supporting my statement.

"Both of you are crazy," Alex stated.

We continued to talk about the Harry Potter series and other books until Alex decided to change the subject.

"So, what do you guys think about that Spider guy?"

"He seems cool," Rebecca says as she sips her coffee.

"He's amazing. He's protecting our city," I reply.

"Man. I'm jealous of that spider guy. He can get any girl here. Why? Cause he's spider-man! Because he's some guy in a tight red and blue suit. Girls are confusing! How are girls attracted to him!?" Alex raves in confusion.

Rebecca and I laugh at Alex is confusion. Sometimes us girls can't explain why we feel certain things when we just do. I started to think about my encounters with the masked figure and smiled. He's so sweet and just adorable. I find it cute when he gets nervous during our conversations and struggles to find the words to say. My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of Alex oooing.

"What's making you so smiley? Thinking about Harry are you?" Alex says.

"Elena is just waiting to get home so that she can kiss the life out of Harry," Rebecca adds as she starts to make kissy faces.

"Shut up," I say with a laugh as my cheeks start to grow pink.

"Speaking of Harry," Alex says turning his head to the cafe door.

The sound of the bell catches my attention as I turn my head to the door. Harry enters with his suit and smiles once he sees me.

"Harry!" I say as I go up and hug him.

"Hey babe! C'mon, I have something exciting to show you," He replies.

I wave goodbye to Alex and Rebecca and they just respond by making kissy faces. I roll my eyes and laugh and follow Harry. We get in his car and he starts to drive. After a while we stop I front of a forest preserve.

"What are we doing here?" I ask
"You'll see," he responds and gets out of the car. I soon get out and grab his hand.

"You're not gonna kill me are you? Because I've seen horror movies! Bad shit goes down once you enter a forest!" I state and Harry laughs.

"I promise I'm not gonna kill you. Just turn around," he says as he starts to undo his tie. I turn around and my vision soon gets blocked by Harry covering my eyes with his tie. He grabs my hand and starts to walk.

"Follow me, I'll make sure that you won't get hurt," he says and we start walking.

After the short walk and the repetitive sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet we finally reach to a stop. Harry lets go of my hand and starts to untie the blindfold.

"Open," he says.

I open my eyes and see a picnic table in the center of an empty area of the forest. I see lights dangling from the trees. My mouth opens in awe as I walk and admire the set up. I look closer and notice that hanging from the lights are polaroids of Harry and I from when we were little to now. It was beautiful.

"Happy 10 year anniversary," Harry says with a smile and tears of happiness running down his face.

I smile. Shit. It had slipped my mind that today was our anniversary. I simply smiled back and gave him a kiss. I guess while talking to Spider-Man it had slipped my mind that Harry and I's anniversary was close.

We sat down and talked and reminisced on our past. Nervousness then flashed across Harry's face.

"Elena, I love you very much. I've loved you since I first laid my eyes on you. You're so beautiful. Your curly dark brown hair and how when you were focused on a book you would put it in a ponytail. They way your tongue would peak out of the side of your mouth when you were so focused on what you would write or draw. You were so captivating then and still are now. I can't believe I have the honour of calling you my girlfriend. However, I want that to change," Harry said.

He let go of my hands and went down on one knee. My mouth opened in shock.

"Will you ,Elena Martinez , give me the honour of calling you my wife?" He asked.

My heart pounded quickly. I could hear it through my ears. My breathing became uneven. My palms sweaty. Just say yes. Why is it taking so long for me to say yes. My mind thought one thing and my heart thought another. Tears fell from my eyes as I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I-I can't do it. I-I-," I stuttered.

I soon then felt the wind blowing through my hair and the loud crunch of the leaves beneath my quick feet as I ran. Tears streamed down my face. You broke him. You have shattered his heart into millions of pieces. Why must you be so selfish! My mind shouted at me.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. The sound of Harry shouting my name soon faded and soon did other sounds. That is until I turned a corner and I collided with another body. I fell back and quickly got up.

"I'm so sorry! I'll get you a new shirt I promise!" The person said.

Coffee had spilled onto my shirt. Luckily it was lukewarm.

I slowly look up to confront the person but I'm soon tongue tied.




I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

How do you feel about Elena running from Harry's proposal??! If it frustrated you then I did my job. If it didn't and brought you joy then.. I still did my job!

Do you guys think I should enter this book into the Wattys??•

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