Chapter 20

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"Elena wake up"
I hide my face with the cover and dug my face into my pillow.

"Elena c'mon, get up"

I turn to my side facing my back towards Peter and stay asleep.

"C'mon Elena! I know you're a lazy person but I don't remember you being this lazy,"

"Nooooo, 20 more minutes!" I whine like a 5 year old.

"Fine then," peter replies walking away and closing the door. Ahh silence. I soon hear footsteps and the door opening again.

"Sorry," Is the last thing I hear before I'm quickly covered in silly string. I sit up with my mouth open in shock.

"Morning sleepy head!" Peter shouts with a smile.

"PETER!" I shout and quickly get up to chase him.

I kept chasing him until he fell to the floor from laughter.

"Ha ha, I'm glad you find my annoyance funny," I say sarcastically.

"Aww, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? " peter said with a laugh.

"Peter!" I shout

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He says with a laugh.

"What was so important that you needed to wake me up?"

"Lets go to the drive-in," He replies.

"You woke me up for a movie!?" I reply with confusion strongly shown on my face.

"C'mon Elena! The last time we even went to a drive in was when we were with May and your parents when we were 12 to see The Hunger Games," Peter wined.

"What time?" I sighed shoving my face back into the pillow.

"YES! So the movie starts at 7:15 and it takes about half an hour to get there and it's 5 o'clock right now so started get ready and everything!" Peter said with a big smile as he headed back to the kitchen.

"Wait Peter! WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!" I shout remembering that we went to get my boxes of clothes from Harrys after the incident yesterday. He wasn't home but I was lucky enough to remember where he would hide the spare key.

"In the closet!" Peter shouts
I get up and walk towards the big sliding white doors that led to the closet. I open them and look around and my eyes stop once I see a brown box with clothes. I bend down and rummage through my clothes to find a hint of an outfit. As I kept looking through the box I came across a comfy,yet cute,outfit:

As I put on my boots I notice a small white box with a corner of a book peaking out

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

As I put on my boots I notice a small white box with a corner of a book peaking out. I finish tying my boots and walk over to the box. I really shouldn't looking through Pete's things... But of course, me being the curious person I am, I open the box only to be greeted by a light brown pleather book. It looked liked it's been given lots of love. I untie the string keeping it together and open the book to the first page. Thats me. It was a small rough sketch of me reading a book. I flip the page to be greeted by a polaroid of when Peter and I were little. It was his birthday that day. His theme was Iron Man and he acted like he was Tony Stark whenever someone asked him to do his best Tony Stark impression. I smile at the memory and flip to the next pages. A lot of them were pictures of when we were little but I soon stopped when I saw a picture of us at the coffee shop when we were in high school.

He left -Spider-man/Peter Parker { ON HOLD}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin