Chapter 19

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"So you're still living with May?" I ask Peter as we walk through Central Park.

He chuckles," well no, I have my own place. I just decided to visit May for a weekend. She keeps a room open just for me."

"Nice," I reply.

"I need to thank May for letting me stay at her place. I feel like I was a bit of a burden," I reply with a light smile.

"Burden? You, Elena Martinez, are no burden. May missed you a lot. I mean, she was ecstatic to make you dinner again like old times," Peter replied.

I laughed as I took a sip of my tea.

"So, what has Peter parker been up to besides school these past 10 years?" I ask.

"Well since I've finished school, I have a job at the Daily bugle and I take pictures for the newspaper. I've gotten a bit taller. As I've said before, I got my own place with an amazing view of time square. Nothing really exciting has happened. What about you? What has that all great Elena Martinez been up to since I left?"Pete replies.

"Well, I didn't get to go to prom senior year. I went back to school to get my major in criminal justice. I HAD moved in with Harry and I haven't really found the time to look for a job," I reply.

"Wait, why didn't you go to prom?" He asks

Because you weren't there to ask me.

"Umm, because Harry was out of town that day and ,me being the anti-social person that I am, didn't really have any other friends I could've asked to go with," I reply nervously.

"Oh, I'm sad now that you didn't get the full experience of high school," peter replied.

"It's totally fine. Besides, I think having a Harry potter marathon is much more exciting than dancing surrounded by the stench of sweat from peoples bodies," I reply with a smile.

We kept walking until we got to a bridge. We leaned against the rail and just admired the view of central park.

"This is the first time I have actually taken a walk through central park to enjoy the view instead of just coming here to read," I said

"Bookworm as always," Peter replied.

I giggled. I should tell him. He probably won't feel the same though.. I should just say it. Just get it out of the way. I look down at the water below us and take a deep breath.

"Pete, I was wondering and this might sound crazy but do-" I was cut off by the sound of screaming and a loud crash. I look up only to see Peter gone and people running.

"Peter?" I said. My hearts started to race. Where is he? " PETER!" I shouted.

*Peter's POV*

Not this guy again.

"Time's up goblin!" I shouted as I shot my webs towards his glider. People surround outside of Central Park. Everyone who was once enjoying their day in the park had now come out to watch.

I swung him into a building and swung to him to finish fighting him. But he disappeared.
I looked up to the sky trying to find him. Everyone's shouting went silent as everyone started to look around for Goblin.

"OH MY GOD! " I hear a woman shout. I turn to her to see where she's pointing at. There he was. Far away above one of the busiest streets in New York. Laughing.

"Ahhhhh! Let me go!" I hear someone shout.

It was Elena. Goblin had taken her. I quickly start to run and shoot my webs to a building and start to swing from building to building to get to Elena.

He left -Spider-man/Peter Parker { ON HOLD}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat